Monday, October 30, 2006
The best photo of Anns race

Yes, that's me finishing behind my Wife! She deserved this one! I am certain she wont let me soon forget this one.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Kona Pics
Roth, Germany
The Plan for the upcoming season is:
Big training week Feb 9-18
California 70.0, March 31, 07
Big training week April 28-May 5
Florida 70.3, May 20, 07
Big training week May 25-June 3
Roth, Germany IM, June 24, 07
These will be the three major races for Ann and I
Plan is to race California 70.3 with strong base off a big base week from feb
Second big week will be more balanced with cycling and running, then Florida 70.3 2 weeks after completion.
Plan for Florida is sub 4:30
Final Big week will be a similar template to ours before Kona, balanced big cycling and running.
Finish of the final big week will take us to 3 weeks out. This will allow 1 more 20 mile long runs going into the 10 day peak period and 1 week taper.
Try to get to Bend, OR for at least 4-6 more swim lessons with Bob Bruce. Focus from now until Roth on getting swim down to a sub 64.
I must emphasize. Virtually the entire pre-season will be focused on periodization to get ready for the first big bike week. Then using that strength, building to get ready for the second big week and Florida 70.3
This entire period will then be used to gain fitness for the final month prior to Roth.
I also plan on much more cycling base pre-season. Much depends on the rain, but plan is to bike 3 week cycles building each week to a crescendo of 300+ miles the 3rd week. Then beginning of next cycle (week 1) dropping down to 100 miles. The run weeks will be inversely proportional, so my easiest run week will be 30 miles, during the biggest bike week. While the biggest run week of 60 miles will be during the lower mileage bike week. This may change depending on what info I gather this fall and winter on training strategies.
Why a big week 3-4 weeks out? Well, we did a big week 7 weeks out prior to CDA 06. This was too big on cycling and was too far out from the race I believe. By my blog, we were very strong (all 7 of us training) about 3-4 weeks after this big week. The big week before Kona 06 ended about 5 weeks out. This allowed 1 more cycle of a big week before Kona, which was nice...but, I and Ann felt the strongest of the season around 3 weeks out from Kona, (strictly looking objectively at my times on the run and TT power). I think finishing the big week 3 weeks out, then taking 3 days rest then starting peak period. We will start the peak period with shorter TT and very aggressive run hill repeats the following wed-friday. Then easy long ride saturday (2 weeks out) with some IM pacing during the ride. Then final long run on sunday, 14 days out.
Another change I may make next season is to start mixing peak-type workouts about 4-5 weeks out from the primary race.
Big training week Feb 9-18
California 70.0, March 31, 07
Big training week April 28-May 5
Florida 70.3, May 20, 07
Big training week May 25-June 3
Roth, Germany IM, June 24, 07
These will be the three major races for Ann and I
Plan is to race California 70.3 with strong base off a big base week from feb
Second big week will be more balanced with cycling and running, then Florida 70.3 2 weeks after completion.
Plan for Florida is sub 4:30
Final Big week will be a similar template to ours before Kona, balanced big cycling and running.
Finish of the final big week will take us to 3 weeks out. This will allow 1 more 20 mile long runs going into the 10 day peak period and 1 week taper.
Try to get to Bend, OR for at least 4-6 more swim lessons with Bob Bruce. Focus from now until Roth on getting swim down to a sub 64.
I must emphasize. Virtually the entire pre-season will be focused on periodization to get ready for the first big bike week. Then using that strength, building to get ready for the second big week and Florida 70.3
This entire period will then be used to gain fitness for the final month prior to Roth.
I also plan on much more cycling base pre-season. Much depends on the rain, but plan is to bike 3 week cycles building each week to a crescendo of 300+ miles the 3rd week. Then beginning of next cycle (week 1) dropping down to 100 miles. The run weeks will be inversely proportional, so my easiest run week will be 30 miles, during the biggest bike week. While the biggest run week of 60 miles will be during the lower mileage bike week. This may change depending on what info I gather this fall and winter on training strategies.
Why a big week 3-4 weeks out? Well, we did a big week 7 weeks out prior to CDA 06. This was too big on cycling and was too far out from the race I believe. By my blog, we were very strong (all 7 of us training) about 3-4 weeks after this big week. The big week before Kona 06 ended about 5 weeks out. This allowed 1 more cycle of a big week before Kona, which was nice...but, I and Ann felt the strongest of the season around 3 weeks out from Kona, (strictly looking objectively at my times on the run and TT power). I think finishing the big week 3 weeks out, then taking 3 days rest then starting peak period. We will start the peak period with shorter TT and very aggressive run hill repeats the following wed-friday. Then easy long ride saturday (2 weeks out) with some IM pacing during the ride. Then final long run on sunday, 14 days out.
Another change I may make next season is to start mixing peak-type workouts about 4-5 weeks out from the primary race.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Kona 06: Expectations and reality
I have set and achieved many goals, in life and athletics. Many goals have been missed. Some examples
High school: Goal to win state cross country championships. Failed. I did set the school record 5K at 5:20 (which still stands 22 yrs running). I lost 1 race my senior season which was almost perfection. That race was state championships.
College: Goal to qualify for nationals, Divison I. Failed. I did gain 6 Varsity Div. I letters however, and traveled with the team as first string.
Post College: Olympic trial qualification in the marathon. Failed. I did however place 18 overall in U.S. mens nationals, and 28th the second year. Have run under 2:30 three times.
First IM CDA 04 in my first season: Goal to break 9:40. Failed. Ran 9:50. I did however post a 5:12 bike and 3:08 marathon on an abissmal swim and transitions, and got to Kona.
Kona 2004: Goal to break 10. Failed. Bonked at mile 6, ran 11:06
Florida 70.3: Goal to break 4:30. Failed. Ran 4:35. Did gain my Kona 05 slot though.
IM CDA 05: Goal to break 9:40. Failed. Ran 9:43. Did gain 3rd and a podium slot
Kona 2005: Goal to break 10. Success!. 9:58, off 5:18 bike and 3:18 run
IM CDA 06: Goal to break 9:40. Place high if not win my age group. Failed. Ran 10:08. Did place 4th and gain second consecutive podium slot and Kona #3.
Kona 2006: Goal to be ready to push hard and break the 9:40 mark if a good day. Failed. Had a good day, but limitations prevaled.
Florida 70.3 2007: Goal to break 4:30
Roth, Germany 07: ?
I have missed or near-missed many of my goals. I am optimistic though, because I have come so close that I know they are appropriate and reachable. Knowing where your goal should be is not an easy task.
Why am I discussing this? Because of the unreachable times posted by the age-groupers at Kona. I once thought that the podium was possible. Seeing the mens 40 division at 9 hours has slapped me into reality. I do not feel I am genetically able to perform to that level. Especially with a hematocrit of 40, when the average person is 43-47.
Ann? Gaining a podium slot at Kona is I believe also nearly impossible. She is somewhat gifted but more so, has learned to work very hard when necessary, has learned how to be coached (a critical factor to success), and is learning the art of resting and recovery.
Goal setting is not arbitrary. It is the 5th discipline. Swim, bike, run, nutrition, and goal analysis.
Setting goals unrealistic will lead to over-training and there are good odds that you wont come close to succeeding, and risk many failures. Failing to achieve a goal by a near miss only fuels the fire. This not such a bad thing. Failing to meet a goal by a huge margin or being forced to quit while trying to achieve it can be a severe blow to athletic ego and effect future achievement.
Setting realistic and obtainable goals is one of the arts of sport. Once the goals are reached, or have been close to being reached, new goals can then be attached. This is one of the keys to success in sport, and in life.
Ann has talent. I have a little talent. I have failed most of my goals, but have succeeded secondarily in others. Ann had a great race. But, for me to tell her she can make the podium at Kona next year, or become some sort of pro would be unrealistic at this point, and I would be cheating her of the great potential she has.
We will both sit down and talk about a realistic goal for her next IM. It may seem somewhat extreme, but it will be reachable if all goes well up to, and on race day.
Remember to set your goals to a level that you can realistically picture yourself completing. I see myself running across the line at Roth in 9:39. I can see that. When I think about it, I get emotional. This will be extremely difficult for me, and the upcoming season will have to be injury free. But I see it, I can almost feel it when I close my eyes. Why not 9:30? 9:20? Sure I can stride for these, but I will likely get hurt or overtrain along the way, and risk not achieving the primary succeed at my long sought-after goal of sub 9:40, now at age 41.
Just some things to think about.
I have set and achieved many goals, in life and athletics. Many goals have been missed. Some examples
High school: Goal to win state cross country championships. Failed. I did set the school record 5K at 5:20 (which still stands 22 yrs running). I lost 1 race my senior season which was almost perfection. That race was state championships.
College: Goal to qualify for nationals, Divison I. Failed. I did gain 6 Varsity Div. I letters however, and traveled with the team as first string.
Post College: Olympic trial qualification in the marathon. Failed. I did however place 18 overall in U.S. mens nationals, and 28th the second year. Have run under 2:30 three times.
First IM CDA 04 in my first season: Goal to break 9:40. Failed. Ran 9:50. I did however post a 5:12 bike and 3:08 marathon on an abissmal swim and transitions, and got to Kona.
Kona 2004: Goal to break 10. Failed. Bonked at mile 6, ran 11:06
Florida 70.3: Goal to break 4:30. Failed. Ran 4:35. Did gain my Kona 05 slot though.
IM CDA 05: Goal to break 9:40. Failed. Ran 9:43. Did gain 3rd and a podium slot
Kona 2005: Goal to break 10. Success!. 9:58, off 5:18 bike and 3:18 run
IM CDA 06: Goal to break 9:40. Place high if not win my age group. Failed. Ran 10:08. Did place 4th and gain second consecutive podium slot and Kona #3.
Kona 2006: Goal to be ready to push hard and break the 9:40 mark if a good day. Failed. Had a good day, but limitations prevaled.
Florida 70.3 2007: Goal to break 4:30
Roth, Germany 07: ?
I have missed or near-missed many of my goals. I am optimistic though, because I have come so close that I know they are appropriate and reachable. Knowing where your goal should be is not an easy task.
Why am I discussing this? Because of the unreachable times posted by the age-groupers at Kona. I once thought that the podium was possible. Seeing the mens 40 division at 9 hours has slapped me into reality. I do not feel I am genetically able to perform to that level. Especially with a hematocrit of 40, when the average person is 43-47.
Ann? Gaining a podium slot at Kona is I believe also nearly impossible. She is somewhat gifted but more so, has learned to work very hard when necessary, has learned how to be coached (a critical factor to success), and is learning the art of resting and recovery.
Goal setting is not arbitrary. It is the 5th discipline. Swim, bike, run, nutrition, and goal analysis.
Setting goals unrealistic will lead to over-training and there are good odds that you wont come close to succeeding, and risk many failures. Failing to achieve a goal by a near miss only fuels the fire. This not such a bad thing. Failing to meet a goal by a huge margin or being forced to quit while trying to achieve it can be a severe blow to athletic ego and effect future achievement.
Setting realistic and obtainable goals is one of the arts of sport. Once the goals are reached, or have been close to being reached, new goals can then be attached. This is one of the keys to success in sport, and in life.
Ann has talent. I have a little talent. I have failed most of my goals, but have succeeded secondarily in others. Ann had a great race. But, for me to tell her she can make the podium at Kona next year, or become some sort of pro would be unrealistic at this point, and I would be cheating her of the great potential she has.
We will both sit down and talk about a realistic goal for her next IM. It may seem somewhat extreme, but it will be reachable if all goes well up to, and on race day.
Remember to set your goals to a level that you can realistically picture yourself completing. I see myself running across the line at Roth in 9:39. I can see that. When I think about it, I get emotional. This will be extremely difficult for me, and the upcoming season will have to be injury free. But I see it, I can almost feel it when I close my eyes. Why not 9:30? 9:20? Sure I can stride for these, but I will likely get hurt or overtrain along the way, and risk not achieving the primary succeed at my long sought-after goal of sub 9:40, now at age 41.
Just some things to think about.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
KONA 2006: More lessons in running, this time by Ann
The Good: I finished this race. Ultimately, that is a good thing here.
The Bad: Hamstring pretty much blown. I am not running until pain free, no matter how long it takes this time.
The Ugly: I ran an entire IM with a HR average 8 beats below the top of my zone 1. Yikes!
These races are all different, and all great in the end. Everyone has something to overcome it seems. Whether it be an injury, inner demons, or anything in between. I had a great race in my mind and was happy to have endured the season with my limitations. Yes I re-injured my leg over and over again, and it was 90 % better in the weeks going in. I was still training for a PR if it happened to be my day though. Training for bigger things was my goal, and that is the chance I took on this one. That's life and that is what its about for me. The good news is my perceived effort and HR on this course. With the exception on my leg, I felt great all day.
The swim was great. Everyone about 5 minutes slow due to the currents, but minimal swells. I started dead last with Ann because we planned on starting together. Unfortunately, time lost being behind hundreds of people swimming much more slowly. My potential draft from those swimming my goal pace was lost. I swam about 10 minutes several yards parallel to Ann to keep an eye on her. Once she looked like she was in the groove of things, I pulled off. Overall though, very happy and felt great. The plan was to start with Ann and let her make the call on where, and it was great chatting and a final kiss before the cannon.
T1: Slow. Got a 1 minute massage in the tent before I changed. Precautionary for my hamstring.
Bike: Hamstring, yeah, same old story. Brought it up to 230 Watts and felt comfortable around 21.5 mph at this power. Hamstring slowly getting tighter, and by mile 20 or so, I just had to back off. Held watts to mile 100 at 200 and hamstring tight but OK. I knew I was only going about 19 but I really didnt care. My ultimate goal was to be able to run as far as I could without having to walk or drop. Final 12 miles we caught a nice tail wind and my 200 watts carried me at 23-24 mph. I was fairly disracted on the bike because of my Wed. incident...I really wasnt sure how my leg would hold up in the marathon. Would I be walking at mile 1? 6? 15? I had no idea.
T2: The nice 90 second run around the transition started up my hamstring. Yelled for ART guys as I jogged into tent and they were all over my leg. This helped.
Run: Got off the first 4 miles nearly pain free. Then the insidious tightness began, so I backed off. Back into town, running 8:00-8:15 was causing me to limp on the leg but it felt stable so I pushed on. I saw Ann on the turn around and yelled at her "remember mile 10...this race is about the final 16 miles!" I was referring to getting up Palani hill strictly in Zone 1, then "starting" her race from there. I ran Very slow up Palani hill, around a 11 min mile. Once on the hwy toward enery lab, I got into a groove for 5 minutes, but the slant on the road was havoc on my leg. I was forced to slow to 8:30-9. Massaging my glut and ham while running helped a bit.
Out at energy lab, I stopped for a 30 second stretch at special needs. I just bent down and held a stretch. I knew I could walk in from here so I took off at 8's and screw mile 18, you are virturally home free. I had 6 hours to walk it in!
I found a guy from Norway who was in a similar struggle, so we ran together and chatted. Coming up the hill from energy lab I saw Ann...what? I quickly calculated she was only 12 minutes behind me. I knew I was on pace to come in around 10:45 at the pace I was holding so this meant Ann could break 11 hours. I was elated at this as I knew she must have been having a killer marathon..which was the plan.
I kept thinking of this for a few miles and finally had to stop. I said goodbye to my Norway friend and started walking every few minutes from mile 21. If I walked 12 minutes or so, Ann should catch me. I couldnt run this race 12 minutes in front of her when she was on the cusp of breaking 11 hours. I told a few volunteers to look for her and tell her that I was waiting for her. I figured I could "pace her in"
A few hundred yards prior to mile 23, Ann flew by me. I took off to catch her. Hamstring tightening up, but the walking helped tremendously. Her next mile...7:35. I couldnt talk to her as she was focused and in the zone. Mile 24? 7:28....she was hammering so fast at that point that people were not yelling great job...I would only here stuff like "oh my God" or "look at that girl!"
Her final mile, like mine last year, was a hammer-fest I wont soon forget. We were clearly under 7 min pace, and she caught 3-4 more women, and we passed 5-6 men from my age group.
My hamstring nearly gave out multiple times, almost collapsing but I didnt care. I was not letting Ann out of my sight. She passed a final 25-29 age woman with 800 meters to go and the girl made an attempt for about 25 meters to chase down Ann. Ann blew her up as she rounded the final stretch down Alii drive. I backed off to let Ann finish. She deserved it. To finish alone and on her own...with no one taking up any space around her as she crossed the line.
For Ann to average sub 8 for her at Kona is staggering to me. I knew and had the plan for her to run around 8:40-45, but she amazed me with her patience and raw drive in the final 10K.
Ann's stats:
11th in the world in her age group, the top runner. Not counting pro's, 6th fastest amature female in the marathon. Sub 11 hours. All great numbers for her second season. She stuck to our plan all summer, even though some of the running workouts were unusual for her to say the least. She put it all together and ran a great race. I cant wait until she runs a fast course at Roth with her current fitness! (fingers crossed...Roth can be hot and humid)
The Bad: Hamstring pretty much blown. I am not running until pain free, no matter how long it takes this time.
The Ugly: I ran an entire IM with a HR average 8 beats below the top of my zone 1. Yikes!
These races are all different, and all great in the end. Everyone has something to overcome it seems. Whether it be an injury, inner demons, or anything in between. I had a great race in my mind and was happy to have endured the season with my limitations. Yes I re-injured my leg over and over again, and it was 90 % better in the weeks going in. I was still training for a PR if it happened to be my day though. Training for bigger things was my goal, and that is the chance I took on this one. That's life and that is what its about for me. The good news is my perceived effort and HR on this course. With the exception on my leg, I felt great all day.
The swim was great. Everyone about 5 minutes slow due to the currents, but minimal swells. I started dead last with Ann because we planned on starting together. Unfortunately, time lost being behind hundreds of people swimming much more slowly. My potential draft from those swimming my goal pace was lost. I swam about 10 minutes several yards parallel to Ann to keep an eye on her. Once she looked like she was in the groove of things, I pulled off. Overall though, very happy and felt great. The plan was to start with Ann and let her make the call on where, and it was great chatting and a final kiss before the cannon.
T1: Slow. Got a 1 minute massage in the tent before I changed. Precautionary for my hamstring.
Bike: Hamstring, yeah, same old story. Brought it up to 230 Watts and felt comfortable around 21.5 mph at this power. Hamstring slowly getting tighter, and by mile 20 or so, I just had to back off. Held watts to mile 100 at 200 and hamstring tight but OK. I knew I was only going about 19 but I really didnt care. My ultimate goal was to be able to run as far as I could without having to walk or drop. Final 12 miles we caught a nice tail wind and my 200 watts carried me at 23-24 mph. I was fairly disracted on the bike because of my Wed. incident...I really wasnt sure how my leg would hold up in the marathon. Would I be walking at mile 1? 6? 15? I had no idea.
T2: The nice 90 second run around the transition started up my hamstring. Yelled for ART guys as I jogged into tent and they were all over my leg. This helped.
Run: Got off the first 4 miles nearly pain free. Then the insidious tightness began, so I backed off. Back into town, running 8:00-8:15 was causing me to limp on the leg but it felt stable so I pushed on. I saw Ann on the turn around and yelled at her "remember mile 10...this race is about the final 16 miles!" I was referring to getting up Palani hill strictly in Zone 1, then "starting" her race from there. I ran Very slow up Palani hill, around a 11 min mile. Once on the hwy toward enery lab, I got into a groove for 5 minutes, but the slant on the road was havoc on my leg. I was forced to slow to 8:30-9. Massaging my glut and ham while running helped a bit.
Out at energy lab, I stopped for a 30 second stretch at special needs. I just bent down and held a stretch. I knew I could walk in from here so I took off at 8's and screw mile 18, you are virturally home free. I had 6 hours to walk it in!
I found a guy from Norway who was in a similar struggle, so we ran together and chatted. Coming up the hill from energy lab I saw Ann...what? I quickly calculated she was only 12 minutes behind me. I knew I was on pace to come in around 10:45 at the pace I was holding so this meant Ann could break 11 hours. I was elated at this as I knew she must have been having a killer marathon..which was the plan.
I kept thinking of this for a few miles and finally had to stop. I said goodbye to my Norway friend and started walking every few minutes from mile 21. If I walked 12 minutes or so, Ann should catch me. I couldnt run this race 12 minutes in front of her when she was on the cusp of breaking 11 hours. I told a few volunteers to look for her and tell her that I was waiting for her. I figured I could "pace her in"
A few hundred yards prior to mile 23, Ann flew by me. I took off to catch her. Hamstring tightening up, but the walking helped tremendously. Her next mile...7:35. I couldnt talk to her as she was focused and in the zone. Mile 24? 7:28....she was hammering so fast at that point that people were not yelling great job...I would only here stuff like "oh my God" or "look at that girl!"
Her final mile, like mine last year, was a hammer-fest I wont soon forget. We were clearly under 7 min pace, and she caught 3-4 more women, and we passed 5-6 men from my age group.
My hamstring nearly gave out multiple times, almost collapsing but I didnt care. I was not letting Ann out of my sight. She passed a final 25-29 age woman with 800 meters to go and the girl made an attempt for about 25 meters to chase down Ann. Ann blew her up as she rounded the final stretch down Alii drive. I backed off to let Ann finish. She deserved it. To finish alone and on her own...with no one taking up any space around her as she crossed the line.
For Ann to average sub 8 for her at Kona is staggering to me. I knew and had the plan for her to run around 8:40-45, but she amazed me with her patience and raw drive in the final 10K.
Ann's stats:
11th in the world in her age group, the top runner. Not counting pro's, 6th fastest amature female in the marathon. Sub 11 hours. All great numbers for her second season. She stuck to our plan all summer, even though some of the running workouts were unusual for her to say the least. She put it all together and ran a great race. I cant wait until she runs a fast course at Roth with her current fitness! (fingers crossed...Roth can be hot and humid)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hamstring blew out last night on a 6 mile easy run with pickups. Final mile running 8 min pace with Ann. Not good, could not run any further, could not even walk. Hamstring just spasm'd out. Had it iced and massaged last night. wrapped tight in Ace bandage. Iced this morning, ART and 2X1 hour massages. Its fired up but feels better. It feels now like it did the day after CDA.
I will rest and hopefully be good to run saturday. I am not too worried because I can always start walking in the marathon. What bothered me yesterday, was that I couldnt really walk. I should be able to get to that point by saturday, so I can at least walk in. Still pain free on the bike which is a good thing.
Swam 40 minutes this morning with Ann Sarah and Scott. Felt good in water, waves back to normal at 5-8 feet swells. Not too bad. Swam some intervals from bouy to bouy. 1 200, then 4 X 100, then final 200. Then easy back to shore. Ann looks great.
Peter Reid getting ART on the table next to me after the swim. I wanted to tell him, "Peter, this is only for registered athletes". I didnt have the nerve. Would have been funny though because they were filming him getting worked on. I got a few seconds on the camera too, by association.
Diet: Still light, Will eat pasta tonight.
Breakfast: 2 pieces of wheat toast before swim.
Lunch: Protein smoothie and bagel.
I will rest and hopefully be good to run saturday. I am not too worried because I can always start walking in the marathon. What bothered me yesterday, was that I couldnt really walk. I should be able to get to that point by saturday, so I can at least walk in. Still pain free on the bike which is a good thing.
Swam 40 minutes this morning with Ann Sarah and Scott. Felt good in water, waves back to normal at 5-8 feet swells. Not too bad. Swam some intervals from bouy to bouy. 1 200, then 4 X 100, then final 200. Then easy back to shore. Ann looks great.
Peter Reid getting ART on the table next to me after the swim. I wanted to tell him, "Peter, this is only for registered athletes". I didnt have the nerve. Would have been funny though because they were filming him getting worked on. I got a few seconds on the camera too, by association.
Diet: Still light, Will eat pasta tonight.
Breakfast: 2 pieces of wheat toast before swim.
Lunch: Protein smoothie and bagel.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Registered today with Ann. Stood in line for about 15 minutes with last years champion, Farris A.
We talked briefly on Roth. He didnt want to say much. He said he maintained over 300 watts for the enitre bike segment, but just didnt have it on the run.
I asked him if I should wear my swim suit for the race, and if his was comfortable on the bike. I have been considering racing in my speedo the entire race. He reassured me to not change anything for this race, "especially this one" he said. So, I now am wearing my bike shorts for the bike. I will still likely run in my swim suit since I will have in on under my bike shorts anyway (I have raced kona 04 and 05 like this)
I told him I yelled at him last year as he passed my on his way to the finish and why didnt he say hello back to me as he ran by...he said "I was very tired after 8 hours and wasnt thinking straight". I said, "you should try being out here 10 hours". He laughed and said good luck. Signed across the top of my 06 poster.
Ann and I will bike 60-90 minutes later with 4 X 90 second spinervals. May run 4 miles with 4 X 800 before dinner.
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 2 slices wheat toast with honey. 12 oz skim milk.
Lunch: Bagel with salmon and a proten smoothie at this internet cafe I am sitting at.
Registered today with Ann. Stood in line for about 15 minutes with last years champion, Farris A.
We talked briefly on Roth. He didnt want to say much. He said he maintained over 300 watts for the enitre bike segment, but just didnt have it on the run.
I asked him if I should wear my swim suit for the race, and if his was comfortable on the bike. I have been considering racing in my speedo the entire race. He reassured me to not change anything for this race, "especially this one" he said. So, I now am wearing my bike shorts for the bike. I will still likely run in my swim suit since I will have in on under my bike shorts anyway (I have raced kona 04 and 05 like this)
I told him I yelled at him last year as he passed my on his way to the finish and why didnt he say hello back to me as he ran by...he said "I was very tired after 8 hours and wasnt thinking straight". I said, "you should try being out here 10 hours". He laughed and said good luck. Signed across the top of my 06 poster.
Ann and I will bike 60-90 minutes later with 4 X 90 second spinervals. May run 4 miles with 4 X 800 before dinner.
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 2 slices wheat toast with honey. 12 oz skim milk.
Lunch: Bagel with salmon and a proten smoothie at this internet cafe I am sitting at.
Resting: Swim/run 10/16/06
Morning of 10/16/06
Swim 50 minutes with Scott, Sarah, Ann and Becky. Very rough waves again. Swells worse than yesterday, 8-10 feet out about 1K from shore. In close, very choppy. Swallowed a few mouthfulls of salt water, moderately nauseated when finished. Felt ok overall though.
Run 4+ with Scott, around 8 min pace. HR in zone 1 and creeped into high zone 3. Very windy, 20-30 mph from the south. Ran 36 minutes.
After workout, 3 eggbeaters, slice of swiss. Some potatoes and 1 slice of wheat toast with honey. Some fresh pineapple. Copious water and gatorade, juice, ect.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich. Fluids
Dinner: Bowl of chili at the local pub. 1 beer. Some chips and salsa.
Swim 50 minutes with Scott, Sarah, Ann and Becky. Very rough waves again. Swells worse than yesterday, 8-10 feet out about 1K from shore. In close, very choppy. Swallowed a few mouthfulls of salt water, moderately nauseated when finished. Felt ok overall though.
Run 4+ with Scott, around 8 min pace. HR in zone 1 and creeped into high zone 3. Very windy, 20-30 mph from the south. Ran 36 minutes.
After workout, 3 eggbeaters, slice of swiss. Some potatoes and 1 slice of wheat toast with honey. Some fresh pineapple. Copious water and gatorade, juice, ect.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich. Fluids
Dinner: Bowl of chili at the local pub. 1 beer. Some chips and salsa.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Good News and Bad News
The Bad News: 6.5 earthquake this morning while I was grocery shopping. Felt a little like Bruce Willis in "Die Hard" sprinting through the store dodging flying cans and debree.
The Good News: My legs felt great today on the ride.
65 miles: 3:50
5 X 10 min. intervals. 20-25 mph dead on head wind coming back to Kona on the hwy.
Did 4 intervals IM pace or a little faster (using Power only) and 5th pretty hard. 5 min easy spin to circle back for Ann between each. All were against the wind.
1 = 210 Watts, 21.7 mph (flat and down)
2 = 230 Watts, 20.9 mph (flat mostly)
3 = 230 Watts, 16.9 mph (uphill mostly)
4 = 240 Watts, 17.9 (flat and up)
5 = 350 Watts, 20.5 (flat and up)
Hamstring pain free whole ride except final minute or so of the 5th interval. Then pain free for the entire cool down. Ann felt good too, and go a good taste of what the wind is like here as she ave 15-16 mph on the intervals. Today felt like 2004. However, at 200-230 Watts, I felt totally fresh for each interval.
Friday, Arrived in Kona, ran 5.5 miles in 42 minutes at 3pm. HR zone 2, about 10 beats higher than I at home running 7:30 pace, as well as here in 2005, but in 2004 my HR at this pace was in zone 4. So, I am probably 80% adapted already, thanks to the sauna training. After run, 15 min at 190 degrees in Sauna. Then a recovery drink.
Saturday: Morning swim on course with Ann, Becky, Scott and Sarah McMillan. Swam 40 minutes. 8-10 foot swells. Swim was a little tough coming back. Never felt like we were with the current. In Afternoon, 4pm, run 72 minutes, 9+ miles. Ran 1.5 at 9:20 pace with Ann to warm up, then next 3 in 7:35 in high zone 1 HR. Then next 3 in 7:15 and HR in high zone 3. Then cool down 2 miles. HR back in zone 1 within 2 minutes of slowing to 8:30 pace.
The Good News: My legs felt great today on the ride.
65 miles: 3:50
5 X 10 min. intervals. 20-25 mph dead on head wind coming back to Kona on the hwy.
Did 4 intervals IM pace or a little faster (using Power only) and 5th pretty hard. 5 min easy spin to circle back for Ann between each. All were against the wind.
1 = 210 Watts, 21.7 mph (flat and down)
2 = 230 Watts, 20.9 mph (flat mostly)
3 = 230 Watts, 16.9 mph (uphill mostly)
4 = 240 Watts, 17.9 (flat and up)
5 = 350 Watts, 20.5 (flat and up)
Hamstring pain free whole ride except final minute or so of the 5th interval. Then pain free for the entire cool down. Ann felt good too, and go a good taste of what the wind is like here as she ave 15-16 mph on the intervals. Today felt like 2004. However, at 200-230 Watts, I felt totally fresh for each interval.
Friday, Arrived in Kona, ran 5.5 miles in 42 minutes at 3pm. HR zone 2, about 10 beats higher than I at home running 7:30 pace, as well as here in 2005, but in 2004 my HR at this pace was in zone 4. So, I am probably 80% adapted already, thanks to the sauna training. After run, 15 min at 190 degrees in Sauna. Then a recovery drink.
Saturday: Morning swim on course with Ann, Becky, Scott and Sarah McMillan. Swam 40 minutes. 8-10 foot swells. Swim was a little tough coming back. Never felt like we were with the current. In Afternoon, 4pm, run 72 minutes, 9+ miles. Ran 1.5 at 9:20 pace with Ann to warm up, then next 3 in 7:35 in high zone 1 HR. Then next 3 in 7:15 and HR in high zone 3. Then cool down 2 miles. HR back in zone 1 within 2 minutes of slowing to 8:30 pace.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Swim 4000
Swim 4000 (1:08)
1000 pull wu in 15:30
2 min stretch
5 X 100/30, all 1:20-1:22
5X 200/30, 2:51, 2:48, final 3 in 2:47
5 X 100/30, 1:21, final 4 in 1:19
500 pull in 7:30
30 sec rest
500 free in 7:12
Breakfast: Egg-beater omelet with ham and vegies, light swiss, carrot juice, hot tea
Lunch: Thai wheat noodles with chicken, light oil. Salad, diet shasta
Afternoon: med coffee and cliff protein bar
Dinner: 12 oz can of chicken soup, grilled swiss cheese on wheat, diet sierra mist
1000 pull wu in 15:30
2 min stretch
5 X 100/30, all 1:20-1:22
5X 200/30, 2:51, 2:48, final 3 in 2:47
5 X 100/30, 1:21, final 4 in 1:19
500 pull in 7:30
30 sec rest
500 free in 7:12
Breakfast: Egg-beater omelet with ham and vegies, light swiss, carrot juice, hot tea
Lunch: Thai wheat noodles with chicken, light oil. Salad, diet shasta
Afternoon: med coffee and cliff protein bar
Dinner: 12 oz can of chicken soup, grilled swiss cheese on wheat, diet sierra mist
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Morning Run 4/Afternoon Hill repeats
Workout summary: Run 4 am (28') / pm Run Hills, 6+ miles (50')
6:30 am, run 4 on TM.
First mile 7:30, 2nd in 7, 3rd in 6:30. HR climbed to top of zone 4 toward the end of third mile so I backed off to 7 min pace for final mile, which brough HR do low zone 4 (145).
Zone Summary
1 = 33% (9')
2 = 19% (6')
3 = 11% (3')
4 = 36% (10')
*This is a little high for this pace, about 10 beats. I must not be recovered from last nights spin.
Left hamstring tight toward end of run. Did 4 X 10 hamstring curls after, lagging with leg extended to let hamstring stretch. Only used 12 lbs per leg. Then stretched for about 10 min. Spent the last few minutes in the hot tub.
5:30 pm: Last year on this day out from Kona, I did 6 X 600 repeats on the track. I would rather slow down the pace to protect hamstring, while still achieving high HR zones. So, I decided to run about the same amount of time per interval as last year, but do them uphill to slow down my pace.
2 mile wu 16' and mile cd in 9
6 X 2 min. uphill repeats
1 = 2:10/HR ave 122, max 133
2 = 2:05/130, 140
3 = 2:04/131, 143
4 = 2:01/137, 149
5 = 1:58/138, 154
6 = 1:54/138, 157
Zone Summary for core 25 minute workout
1 = 48% (12')
2 = 16% (4')
3 = 15% (3' 30")
4 = 10% (2' 30")
5a = 8% (2')
5b = 3% (1')
*Legs sluggish on the first 3 but final 3 got HR up into zone 5 during intervals, and felt like I had the strength to work pretty hard. Left Hamstring pretty sore during cool down. I may not spin on the bike tomarrow. We'll see.
Breakfast: hot oat cereal w/ bwn sugar, small coffee
Lunch: Vegi wrap, 2 oz kettle chips, 1 apple, water
Afternoon: non fat latte, 1 apple, 2 oz bag pretzels
Dinner: 6 oz chicken breast, heaping portion, 2-3 cups of rice a roni. Diet shasta
6:30 am, run 4 on TM.
First mile 7:30, 2nd in 7, 3rd in 6:30. HR climbed to top of zone 4 toward the end of third mile so I backed off to 7 min pace for final mile, which brough HR do low zone 4 (145).
Zone Summary
1 = 33% (9')
2 = 19% (6')
3 = 11% (3')
4 = 36% (10')
*This is a little high for this pace, about 10 beats. I must not be recovered from last nights spin.
Left hamstring tight toward end of run. Did 4 X 10 hamstring curls after, lagging with leg extended to let hamstring stretch. Only used 12 lbs per leg. Then stretched for about 10 min. Spent the last few minutes in the hot tub.
5:30 pm: Last year on this day out from Kona, I did 6 X 600 repeats on the track. I would rather slow down the pace to protect hamstring, while still achieving high HR zones. So, I decided to run about the same amount of time per interval as last year, but do them uphill to slow down my pace.
2 mile wu 16' and mile cd in 9
6 X 2 min. uphill repeats
1 = 2:10/HR ave 122, max 133
2 = 2:05/130, 140
3 = 2:04/131, 143
4 = 2:01/137, 149
5 = 1:58/138, 154
6 = 1:54/138, 157
Zone Summary for core 25 minute workout
1 = 48% (12')
2 = 16% (4')
3 = 15% (3' 30")
4 = 10% (2' 30")
5a = 8% (2')
5b = 3% (1')
*Legs sluggish on the first 3 but final 3 got HR up into zone 5 during intervals, and felt like I had the strength to work pretty hard. Left Hamstring pretty sore during cool down. I may not spin on the bike tomarrow. We'll see.
Breakfast: hot oat cereal w/ bwn sugar, small coffee
Lunch: Vegi wrap, 2 oz kettle chips, 1 apple, water
Afternoon: non fat latte, 1 apple, 2 oz bag pretzels
Dinner: 6 oz chicken breast, heaping portion, 2-3 cups of rice a roni. Diet shasta
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Bike 20/run 4
Bike 68 min on trainer, then run 4 easy. Trainer session was a tough one. Multiple mix of short spinervals.
Set 1 = 7 X 2 min 90% max effort with 1 min rest between
Set 2 = 3 X 2 min alternating 30 seconds of steady state and 30 seconds max effort
Set 3 = 5 X 1 min max effort with 30 seconds rest between. This one was a bitch.
5 min easy spinning between each set. 15 min wu and 5 min cd.
Set 1, 7 X 2 min
1 = Ave Power 316 (range 290-344)/HR ave 104, max 112/Cadence ave 93
2 = 329 (275-350)/HR 110, 122/cad. 89
3 = 329 (298-351)/HR 118, 129/cad. 90
4 = 325 (284-355)/HR 119, 132/cad 90
5 = 354 (315-377)/HR 127, 138/cad 89
6 = 362 (354-377)/HR 132-144/cad 91
7 = 370 (328-408)/HR 135, 144/ cad 92
Set 2, 3 X 2 min with alternating 30 second efforts
1 = Ave power each 30 sec. block = 273/412/266/429: ave for enitre 2 min. 340/HR ave 139
2 = 270/446/253/461: ave for entire 2 min. 369/HR ave 144
3 = 284/453/240/493: ave for entire 2 min. 363/HR ave 145 (zone 5)
Set 3, 5 X 1 min max efforts with 30 sec. rest. This is where I got nauseated.
1 = Ave power 369 (333-409)/HR ave 122, max 131/cad 99
2 = 401 (370-430)/HR ave 134, 141/cad 95
3 = 418 (394-454)/HR ave 139, 146/cad 97
4 = 418 (395-435)/HR ave 144, 151 (zone 5c)/cad 98
5 = 463 (434-509)/HR ave 149, 156 (near max HR)/cad 89
HR zone summary for entire spin
1= 61%, 41'
2 = 10%, 8'
3 = 9%, 6'
4 = 14%, 10'
5 = 4%, 3'
Then 10 min transiton to run 4 miles in 32 min. easy, zone 1 entire run. This felt like I was nearly walking.
Sauna training after, 190 degrees 15 minutes. HR getting in 65 bpm, up until 12 min HR under 80, final 3 min HR raised to 110.
*This was a good spin and run combo. Very intense short intervals.
Thursday's spin will increase intervals to 3 X 7 min with 3 min rest and lower power. Will also do a 12 min steady power interval alternating cadence from 85-100 every 2 minutes while maintaining the same power.
Final key ride will be outdoors saturday in Kona, aroun 60-70 miles. Will further extend intervals to 3 X 10 min and olympic pace, probably around 280-300 watts. Full recovery. May do 6-8 X 30 second intervals too, depending on legs. This will be the final intense workout.
Breakfast: egg-beater omelet with ham, vegies, light swiss cheese. small coffee
Lunch: turkey and swiss on wheat, cup of chili, water
Afternoon: small coffee, hot tea, and a cliff protein bar
Dinner: 8 oz Ahi tuna with black beans and rice. 3 boneless bbq chicken wings. 1 beer.
Set 1 = 7 X 2 min 90% max effort with 1 min rest between
Set 2 = 3 X 2 min alternating 30 seconds of steady state and 30 seconds max effort
Set 3 = 5 X 1 min max effort with 30 seconds rest between. This one was a bitch.
5 min easy spinning between each set. 15 min wu and 5 min cd.
Set 1, 7 X 2 min
1 = Ave Power 316 (range 290-344)/HR ave 104, max 112/Cadence ave 93
2 = 329 (275-350)/HR 110, 122/cad. 89
3 = 329 (298-351)/HR 118, 129/cad. 90
4 = 325 (284-355)/HR 119, 132/cad 90
5 = 354 (315-377)/HR 127, 138/cad 89
6 = 362 (354-377)/HR 132-144/cad 91
7 = 370 (328-408)/HR 135, 144/ cad 92
Set 2, 3 X 2 min with alternating 30 second efforts
1 = Ave power each 30 sec. block = 273/412/266/429: ave for enitre 2 min. 340/HR ave 139
2 = 270/446/253/461: ave for entire 2 min. 369/HR ave 144
3 = 284/453/240/493: ave for entire 2 min. 363/HR ave 145 (zone 5)
Set 3, 5 X 1 min max efforts with 30 sec. rest. This is where I got nauseated.
1 = Ave power 369 (333-409)/HR ave 122, max 131/cad 99
2 = 401 (370-430)/HR ave 134, 141/cad 95
3 = 418 (394-454)/HR ave 139, 146/cad 97
4 = 418 (395-435)/HR ave 144, 151 (zone 5c)/cad 98
5 = 463 (434-509)/HR ave 149, 156 (near max HR)/cad 89
HR zone summary for entire spin
1= 61%, 41'
2 = 10%, 8'
3 = 9%, 6'
4 = 14%, 10'
5 = 4%, 3'
Then 10 min transiton to run 4 miles in 32 min. easy, zone 1 entire run. This felt like I was nearly walking.
Sauna training after, 190 degrees 15 minutes. HR getting in 65 bpm, up until 12 min HR under 80, final 3 min HR raised to 110.
*This was a good spin and run combo. Very intense short intervals.
Thursday's spin will increase intervals to 3 X 7 min with 3 min rest and lower power. Will also do a 12 min steady power interval alternating cadence from 85-100 every 2 minutes while maintaining the same power.
Final key ride will be outdoors saturday in Kona, aroun 60-70 miles. Will further extend intervals to 3 X 10 min and olympic pace, probably around 280-300 watts. Full recovery. May do 6-8 X 30 second intervals too, depending on legs. This will be the final intense workout.
Breakfast: egg-beater omelet with ham, vegies, light swiss cheese. small coffee
Lunch: turkey and swiss on wheat, cup of chili, water
Afternoon: small coffee, hot tea, and a cliff protein bar
Dinner: 8 oz Ahi tuna with black beans and rice. 3 boneless bbq chicken wings. 1 beer.
Nutrition and other plans for Kona 06
This wont change from any of my previous IM or 1/2 IM races
Night before race. Early dinner, around 5 pm. Copious rice and vegies. Snack before bed. Will take a heavy recovery drink before bed (200 grams maltodextrin + 25 g protein)
Morning of: 1 cup oatmeal with bwn sugar around 2.5 hours before start. A banana or something light about 2 hours prior. Caffeine tablet, 100 mg, 90 minutes prior to start. Constantly sip water up to about 30 minutes prior to the start.
Bike Segment:
I will take 2 water bottles on my bike and have 2 more at special needs.
I will mark off the water bottles every 7 ounces. I should have 4 doses of carbs then per water bottle (I use 27 oz water bottles)
I will use 32 grams of M550 Maltodextrin (pure glucose polymer) per dose. This will give me 96 grams per hour of nutrition or about 380 calories per hour
In each full water bottle, I'll put a mix of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Tri-Sodium Phosphate. Total sodium dose will be about 550 mg per water bottle, or about 350 per hour.
I will add 1/4 tsp of lemon flavored nutrasweet for flavor and to increase gastric emptying.
I will start my nutrition 20 minutes into the bike, and continue every 20 minutes for the entire bike segment. Final dose will be about 10 minutes before T2 (hopefully)
I will carry 2 gels in my pocket. I may take 1 during the ride in substitute for a carb dose just to get a little solid if I desire at the time. If I take a gel, it will be expresso type, with caffeine, and I will take with 6 oz water.
Additionally to the nutrition, which only provides 21 oz of water per hour, I will take another 8-12 ounces of water at each aid station. Key: If I havent urinated at least twice before the Hawi turn around, I will double my water intake on the way in and keep drinking until I urinate.
I will carry 3, 6 oz flasks (usually 2 but the special needs at kona is at mile 18, not 13)
Each flask will have a mark at 2 ounces. Each 2 ounces will have 25 grams of M550 Maltodextrin. In each bottle, I will put 1/2 the sodium dose I use per hour for the bike segment.
I will add a little lemon nutrasweet, per flask, about 1/8th teaspoon.
I will take a 25 gram dose every 18-22 minutes throughout the run. Unlike the bike, the carbs will be concentrated 3:1 in each dose to avoid carrying so much weight. Therefore, each dose has to be taken at an aid station so I can drink 4-6 oz water to dilute the carbs.
At mile 18, I will take a 200mg caffeine tablet (I call it a "caffeine rescue")
I will not take any gels but will carry 2, in case I drop a nutrition bottle, or if I dont get my 4th flask at special needs.
Bike segment power/HR
I will not stay in zone 1 like last year. I will try to stay in high zone 1 to low zone 2 for first 60 miles. Will push into high zone 2 final 50, at the most low zone 3 on the inclines. I doubt I will ever go above HR of 130 for any portion of the bike.
More importantly is power. I will try to maintain power around 180-200 watts for an overall average. I will try to keep 230 watts as an absolute cap on the uphills.
Reasonable conditions, I plan on biking 5:20-5:35. Good conditions, 5:10-5:20
Run segment HR/pace
I will keep HR in zone 1 and low zone 2. I will be pretty strict on this. I wont exceed HR of 130 for the first 15 miles no matter what. I am hoping this works out to a pace of 7:20-7:35
I will, as always likely run around 8:30 or so on the uphill at Palini drive (sp?)
If I am feeling ok, ie: not bonking, I will push HR into mid 130's from mile 15-20 and 140's for final 10K, mid 150's final mile. This is all assuming that I am not walking like a drunk by mile 20. No kidding...that can happen.
If I feel like I am starting to bonk, all rules will be thrown out. I will slow down, walk through a couple of transitions, take chicken broth but maintain nutrition at all costs. If I throw up, I still stick to the plan. If I throw up again...I still stick to the plan.
This wont change from any of my previous IM or 1/2 IM races
Night before race. Early dinner, around 5 pm. Copious rice and vegies. Snack before bed. Will take a heavy recovery drink before bed (200 grams maltodextrin + 25 g protein)
Morning of: 1 cup oatmeal with bwn sugar around 2.5 hours before start. A banana or something light about 2 hours prior. Caffeine tablet, 100 mg, 90 minutes prior to start. Constantly sip water up to about 30 minutes prior to the start.
Bike Segment:
I will take 2 water bottles on my bike and have 2 more at special needs.
I will mark off the water bottles every 7 ounces. I should have 4 doses of carbs then per water bottle (I use 27 oz water bottles)
I will use 32 grams of M550 Maltodextrin (pure glucose polymer) per dose. This will give me 96 grams per hour of nutrition or about 380 calories per hour
In each full water bottle, I'll put a mix of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Tri-Sodium Phosphate. Total sodium dose will be about 550 mg per water bottle, or about 350 per hour.
I will add 1/4 tsp of lemon flavored nutrasweet for flavor and to increase gastric emptying.
I will start my nutrition 20 minutes into the bike, and continue every 20 minutes for the entire bike segment. Final dose will be about 10 minutes before T2 (hopefully)
I will carry 2 gels in my pocket. I may take 1 during the ride in substitute for a carb dose just to get a little solid if I desire at the time. If I take a gel, it will be expresso type, with caffeine, and I will take with 6 oz water.
Additionally to the nutrition, which only provides 21 oz of water per hour, I will take another 8-12 ounces of water at each aid station. Key: If I havent urinated at least twice before the Hawi turn around, I will double my water intake on the way in and keep drinking until I urinate.
I will carry 3, 6 oz flasks (usually 2 but the special needs at kona is at mile 18, not 13)
Each flask will have a mark at 2 ounces. Each 2 ounces will have 25 grams of M550 Maltodextrin. In each bottle, I will put 1/2 the sodium dose I use per hour for the bike segment.
I will add a little lemon nutrasweet, per flask, about 1/8th teaspoon.
I will take a 25 gram dose every 18-22 minutes throughout the run. Unlike the bike, the carbs will be concentrated 3:1 in each dose to avoid carrying so much weight. Therefore, each dose has to be taken at an aid station so I can drink 4-6 oz water to dilute the carbs.
At mile 18, I will take a 200mg caffeine tablet (I call it a "caffeine rescue")
I will not take any gels but will carry 2, in case I drop a nutrition bottle, or if I dont get my 4th flask at special needs.
Bike segment power/HR
I will not stay in zone 1 like last year. I will try to stay in high zone 1 to low zone 2 for first 60 miles. Will push into high zone 2 final 50, at the most low zone 3 on the inclines. I doubt I will ever go above HR of 130 for any portion of the bike.
More importantly is power. I will try to maintain power around 180-200 watts for an overall average. I will try to keep 230 watts as an absolute cap on the uphills.
Reasonable conditions, I plan on biking 5:20-5:35. Good conditions, 5:10-5:20
Run segment HR/pace
I will keep HR in zone 1 and low zone 2. I will be pretty strict on this. I wont exceed HR of 130 for the first 15 miles no matter what. I am hoping this works out to a pace of 7:20-7:35
I will, as always likely run around 8:30 or so on the uphill at Palini drive (sp?)
If I am feeling ok, ie: not bonking, I will push HR into mid 130's from mile 15-20 and 140's for final 10K, mid 150's final mile. This is all assuming that I am not walking like a drunk by mile 20. No kidding...that can happen.
If I feel like I am starting to bonk, all rules will be thrown out. I will slow down, walk through a couple of transitions, take chicken broth but maintain nutrition at all costs. If I throw up, I still stick to the plan. If I throw up again...I still stick to the plan.
Quote 10/10/06
"The marathon's about being in contention over the last 10K. That's when it's about what you have in your core. You have run all the strength, all the superficial fitness out of yourself, and it really comes down to what's left inside you. To be able to draw deep and pull something out of yourself is one of the most tremendous things about the marathon."
- Rob de Castella
For Erin Perkin, 2nd overall female Royal Victoria Marathon, 2006
- Rob de Castella
For Erin Perkin, 2nd overall female Royal Victoria Marathon, 2006
10/9: Swim 3000
Swim 3000 (46')
Set of 1000/2X500/1000
1000 in 14:57
45 sec rest
500 in 7:20
45 sec rest
500 in 7:15
45 sec rest
1000 in 14:25 (first 500 7:15, final in 7:10)
Felt ok in the water today, some stroke flaws because legs a little tired. Otherwise, didnt really "feel" the balance or feel like I was really pulling water until the final 1000.
Breakfast: 2 vanilla yogurt, small coffee
Lunch: Salas with low fat italian, mixed vegies, 2 ox bag kettle chips, water
Afternoon: med. coffee and a molassas cookie
Dinner: Took Ann out for a steak. 12 oz prime rib with garlic mashed. Ceasar salad. 1 beers. Low fat pumpkin smoothie shake on the way home.
Set of 1000/2X500/1000
1000 in 14:57
45 sec rest
500 in 7:20
45 sec rest
500 in 7:15
45 sec rest
1000 in 14:25 (first 500 7:15, final in 7:10)
Felt ok in the water today, some stroke flaws because legs a little tired. Otherwise, didnt really "feel" the balance or feel like I was really pulling water until the final 1000.
Breakfast: 2 vanilla yogurt, small coffee
Lunch: Salas with low fat italian, mixed vegies, 2 ox bag kettle chips, water
Afternoon: med. coffee and a molassas cookie
Dinner: Took Ann out for a steak. 12 oz prime rib with garlic mashed. Ceasar salad. 1 beers. Low fat pumpkin smoothie shake on the way home.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Week Summary 10/2 - 10/8/2006
Total Hours 17:24 (16:54 S/B/R)
Swim = 13,100 yd (4 sessions) Time 3:57
Bike = 127 miles (2 rides) Time 7:19
Run = 48 miles (5 runs) Time 5:38
30 min. pilates session
*Didnt plan on swimming so much, but I needed 2 full days off the legs after the big brick workout on Wed.
*Got in 3 sauna sessions this week, 12 min each. Will do 4-5 X 15 min sessions this week.
*I am feeling stong considering two 20 mile run workouts in 5 days. Bike miles a little down but no different than last year at this time, and the intensity was increased this week. Swim is to be expected. Goal to break 1:10 at Kona.
Swim = 13,100 yd (4 sessions) Time 3:57
Bike = 127 miles (2 rides) Time 7:19
Run = 48 miles (5 runs) Time 5:38
30 min. pilates session
*Didnt plan on swimming so much, but I needed 2 full days off the legs after the big brick workout on Wed.
*Got in 3 sauna sessions this week, 12 min each. Will do 4-5 X 15 min sessions this week.
*I am feeling stong considering two 20 mile run workouts in 5 days. Bike miles a little down but no different than last year at this time, and the intensity was increased this week. Swim is to be expected. Goal to break 1:10 at Kona.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Final Long Run: 20
Run 20 in 2:22
Ran out 74:30 to 10 mile mark. First 2 in 16 minutes to warm up, then around 7:20 pace to the turn around.
From 10-14, ran 7 min pace, then came in final 6 in 39:30 (6:29/mile) Total 10 back in 67:30 (6:45/mile)
Hamstring tight, but no worse than its been. Overall, going out 7:20 pace, and even the string of 7's in the middle felt comfortable pace. Felt like I was working a bit the final 6 as I moved from zone 1/2 into zone 3/4 with a few seconds in zone 5 on some inclines.
Feel like if I rested and ran a marathon at this point, could run aroun 2:50 or so. I have finally gotten to the point that running 7 per mile feels fairly easy, zone 1.
*Today and last wed. on my brick were the first 2 longer runs that I have felt like a runner again. No doubt, the 4 X 20 mile runs before Kona has helped. I have held off my chronic hamstring pain to the point of being able to complete the workouts needed. Ideally, I would have liked to get to the point of running 20 sub 7 to 10 and back 10 in 6:20 or so, but at least I am in decent shape. If I dont blow it all on the bike, I am confident I will PR in the marathon at Kona (3:18 in 2005).
Zone summary:
1 = 40% (58')
2 = 38% (54')
3 = 12% (17')
4 = 6% (8')
5 = 4% (5')
Breakfast: 1/2 cup of oats before run. Small coffee
Lunch: Took nutrition during run every 20-22 minutes, 25 grams maltodextrin in 2 oz water portions. Carried additional water to total 4-5 oz per dose. Recovery drink after, the usual.
Baja fresh chicken and rice bowl with black beans about an hour later.
Dinner: sushi, copious rice.
Ran out 74:30 to 10 mile mark. First 2 in 16 minutes to warm up, then around 7:20 pace to the turn around.
From 10-14, ran 7 min pace, then came in final 6 in 39:30 (6:29/mile) Total 10 back in 67:30 (6:45/mile)
Hamstring tight, but no worse than its been. Overall, going out 7:20 pace, and even the string of 7's in the middle felt comfortable pace. Felt like I was working a bit the final 6 as I moved from zone 1/2 into zone 3/4 with a few seconds in zone 5 on some inclines.
Feel like if I rested and ran a marathon at this point, could run aroun 2:50 or so. I have finally gotten to the point that running 7 per mile feels fairly easy, zone 1.
*Today and last wed. on my brick were the first 2 longer runs that I have felt like a runner again. No doubt, the 4 X 20 mile runs before Kona has helped. I have held off my chronic hamstring pain to the point of being able to complete the workouts needed. Ideally, I would have liked to get to the point of running 20 sub 7 to 10 and back 10 in 6:20 or so, but at least I am in decent shape. If I dont blow it all on the bike, I am confident I will PR in the marathon at Kona (3:18 in 2005).
Zone summary:
1 = 40% (58')
2 = 38% (54')
3 = 12% (17')
4 = 6% (8')
5 = 4% (5')
Breakfast: 1/2 cup of oats before run. Small coffee
Lunch: Took nutrition during run every 20-22 minutes, 25 grams maltodextrin in 2 oz water portions. Carried additional water to total 4-5 oz per dose. Recovery drink after, the usual.
Baja fresh chicken and rice bowl with black beans about an hour later.
Dinner: sushi, copious rice.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Bike 65 (4:24 / 5560 ascent)
Biked easy on hills. Worked a few but kept it easy. One of the riders got pretty sick around 60 mile mark and couldnt go on. Unfortunately we were in the middle of nowhere. Ann stayed with him and I hitched a ride with my bike in a pick up truck to Boring, OR. About 15 miles from home. Got on bike and started to TT home. About 3 miles up, got a flat. CO2 pump was broken and I my manual air pump wasnt pumping air. So...I hitched another ride.
Guy dropped me off 2 miles from home. Unfortunately I had to climb 2 miles and 700 ft up to the house on a flat. On the final mile, averaged 367 Watts for 8 minutes so I felt like I worked a bit.
Ave Watts for entire ride, 237
Well, planned on running 4-5 off the bike, but I had to go back and pick up the other rider. It was after dark by the time we got home and I was pretty much done, seeing as a 4 hour ride turned into over 6.5 hours.
Ann still refused to stop so she TT's home and ended up with 85 miles, while I gave the other guy a ride back to his house.
Zone summary:
1 = 85% ( 3:50)
2 = 9% (24')
3/4 = 6% (10')
Breakfast: Low fat berry muffin from starbucks, med. coffee
Lunch: carbs on ride, routine
Dinner: Papa murphys chicken pizza with light cheese. Some jelly beans and 2 beers later, before bed.
Guy dropped me off 2 miles from home. Unfortunately I had to climb 2 miles and 700 ft up to the house on a flat. On the final mile, averaged 367 Watts for 8 minutes so I felt like I worked a bit.
Ave Watts for entire ride, 237
Well, planned on running 4-5 off the bike, but I had to go back and pick up the other rider. It was after dark by the time we got home and I was pretty much done, seeing as a 4 hour ride turned into over 6.5 hours.
Ann still refused to stop so she TT's home and ended up with 85 miles, while I gave the other guy a ride back to his house.
Zone summary:
1 = 85% ( 3:50)
2 = 9% (24')
3/4 = 6% (10')
Breakfast: Low fat berry muffin from starbucks, med. coffee
Lunch: carbs on ride, routine
Dinner: Papa murphys chicken pizza with light cheese. Some jelly beans and 2 beers later, before bed.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Recovery day #2 Swim 4600
Did 30 min. Pilates abs/low back in morning before work
pm: Swim 4500 (1:22)
500 wu free in 7:45
3 X 200 drills with flippers. First slide and glide, second single arm, third 100 each of zipper and finger drag. Then 1 min rest to stretch:
8 sets of 3 X 100/15 with 40 sec rest between each set.
100 IM, 100 pull, 100 free
all 100 IM from 1:34-1:38 , pulls 1:21-1:23 and all free from 1:20-1:22
Plan was to do 10 sets total for 30 100's but combined final 2 100 sets for a 600 set
200 IM, 200 pull, 200 free (3:22, 2:50, 2:46)
500 pull cd in 7:30
*Definately felt stronger today. Really had to fight to avoid running. I wanted to run 4-6 after the swim but deep down know I need 2 full days of no running or cycling after wed's brick. I figured, if I had a coach, what would he probably one more day.
12 min. Sauna at 170 degrees after swim
*I have had good portions of rice twice per day since the night of my big brick on wed. Rice is one of the most efficient foods for glycogen synthesis, better than pasta as the carbs in rice are about 100% bioavailable, with glycemic index around 100. Not great if you are trying to lose weight, but for recovery, almost nothing is better.
Breakfast: 2 low fat yogurts, med. coffee
Lunch: Grilled Salmon 6 oz, mashed sweet potato, diet sierra mist
Afternoon: 1 apple, non-fat latte
Dinner: 6 oz steak, shrimp cocktail, 2 cups of rice.
Some jelly beans and 2 beers during movie, before bed.
pm: Swim 4500 (1:22)
500 wu free in 7:45
3 X 200 drills with flippers. First slide and glide, second single arm, third 100 each of zipper and finger drag. Then 1 min rest to stretch:
8 sets of 3 X 100/15 with 40 sec rest between each set.
100 IM, 100 pull, 100 free
all 100 IM from 1:34-1:38 , pulls 1:21-1:23 and all free from 1:20-1:22
Plan was to do 10 sets total for 30 100's but combined final 2 100 sets for a 600 set
200 IM, 200 pull, 200 free (3:22, 2:50, 2:46)
500 pull cd in 7:30
*Definately felt stronger today. Really had to fight to avoid running. I wanted to run 4-6 after the swim but deep down know I need 2 full days of no running or cycling after wed's brick. I figured, if I had a coach, what would he probably one more day.
12 min. Sauna at 170 degrees after swim
*I have had good portions of rice twice per day since the night of my big brick on wed. Rice is one of the most efficient foods for glycogen synthesis, better than pasta as the carbs in rice are about 100% bioavailable, with glycemic index around 100. Not great if you are trying to lose weight, but for recovery, almost nothing is better.
Breakfast: 2 low fat yogurts, med. coffee
Lunch: Grilled Salmon 6 oz, mashed sweet potato, diet sierra mist
Afternoon: 1 apple, non-fat latte
Dinner: 6 oz steak, shrimp cocktail, 2 cups of rice.
Some jelly beans and 2 beers during movie, before bed.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Recovery day: Swim 2500
miserably failed the stair test this morning. Took in a 30 min hot bath before work.
Swim 2500, 43 min
500 pull wu and cd in 7:40 each
5 X 100/30, 1:21
5 X 200/30, 2:55, 3 in 2:52, 5th in 2:49
12min Sauna 190 degrees
Breakfast: Cooked up 2 cups of rice. Mixed with 2 tbs honey and some cinnamon + skim milk. Water
Late morning: 3 scrambled egg-beaters, caffeine free hot tea
Lunch: Rice with yellow curry and bbq lamb, cucumber salad, green beans. Water
Afternoon: pumpkin donut from starbucks and non fat latte
Dinner: Thai wheat noodles with grilled chicken. 1 beer
Before bed: piece of Irish oatmeal cake
Swim 2500, 43 min
500 pull wu and cd in 7:40 each
5 X 100/30, 1:21
5 X 200/30, 2:55, 3 in 2:52, 5th in 2:49
12min Sauna 190 degrees
Breakfast: Cooked up 2 cups of rice. Mixed with 2 tbs honey and some cinnamon + skim milk. Water
Late morning: 3 scrambled egg-beaters, caffeine free hot tea
Lunch: Rice with yellow curry and bbq lamb, cucumber salad, green beans. Water
Afternoon: pumpkin donut from starbucks and non fat latte
Dinner: Thai wheat noodles with grilled chicken. 1 beer
Before bed: piece of Irish oatmeal cake
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Big Brick: Run 10 (69:30)/Bike 62 (2:55)/Run 10 (69:30)
Even coming off 6K swimming and 8 miles running yesterday, I was still planning on something bigger today. I didnt really think about it though because dwelling on a big workout can sometimes be detrimental. I figured I would run 2X8 mile runs but knew I had to do 20 today. Then I figured I would just run 10, go for a nice bike ride, then do 4-6 more. I pretty much depleted my legs running sub-7 pace the first 10, and when I got on the bike, 20 mph seemed fairly difficult to maintain. However, I was just getting my nutrition started and after about 90 minutes of consistent intake, I started to feel ready to go. So, I pushed the final 30 miles figuring I would either not run, or just run 4 off the bike. Of course, after legs being thoroughly depleted off the bike, I started running, the first mile in 8 min. I knew I had established my high blood glucose levels, and I know I can maintain a reasonable pace despite depleted legs. When I got to the 2 mile mark to turn around, I figured "what's one more mile". By the time I got to the 3 mile mark, I started getting into the zone and figured I would go on to 5. By the time I got to 5 at the turn around, I was mentally ready to go. I hit my split and decided I could run 6:30 pace on the way back if I really focused.
This is what you have to do sometimes to get through workouts, and I do it often, esp when tired. You have to lie to yourself. Sometimes I convince myself on what I will do for the workout because it seems more possible at the time. I really believe it, until I get to that point and decide to push on. This is part of setting smaller, manageable goals with the intent of accomplishing a larger goal. This is part of the training involved to become accustomed to striving for what you know you can achieve.
First Run 10 miles 1:09.30, 400 ft ascent HR ave 124 (zone 1) mx 137 (zone 2)
65% zone 1, 35% zone 2
Transition of 8 minutes
Bike 62, 2:55
First 32, ave Power 220 (0-484), HR ave 112, mx 127, cadence 92, speed 20.2 mph
Final 30, ave Power 250 (120-608 ), HR ave 128, mx 155, cadence 90 , speed 22.8 mph
Entire ride Power 236 (0-608) Normal power 247 (taking out the zero power segments), HR ave 127, mx 155, cadence 91, speed 21.6 mph
Transition of 6 minutes
Second Run 10 miles 1:09.30, out 5 in 37:00 (7:25 pace) back in 32:30 same course as first run: HR ave 142 (high zone 3), mx 163 (5c)
14% zone 2, 43% zone 3, 36% zone 4, 7% zone 5
*This workout was a little tough. Hammering home the final 5 miles at 6:30 pace made it tough. Hamstring very tight but able to run without too much trouble. I placed a 1 cm spacer to raise my aerobars on sunday, and another 1 cm spacer today before the ride. I think this helps the hamstring. I was very low before (couldnt get any lower as I had no spacers under the stem and my stem reversed at a down angle)
Breakfast: 5 pieces of thin whole wheat french toast, syrup, 16 oz skim
Lunch: Nutrition on ride, Recovery drink after (took recovery 20 minutes after workout, as I was pretty nauseated once I stopped running. Some sips of water took care of it)
Dinner: Thai chicken w/ mushrooms, garlic, rice. Water, diet sierra mist.
This is what you have to do sometimes to get through workouts, and I do it often, esp when tired. You have to lie to yourself. Sometimes I convince myself on what I will do for the workout because it seems more possible at the time. I really believe it, until I get to that point and decide to push on. This is part of setting smaller, manageable goals with the intent of accomplishing a larger goal. This is part of the training involved to become accustomed to striving for what you know you can achieve.
First Run 10 miles 1:09.30, 400 ft ascent HR ave 124 (zone 1) mx 137 (zone 2)
65% zone 1, 35% zone 2
Transition of 8 minutes
Bike 62, 2:55
First 32, ave Power 220 (0-484), HR ave 112, mx 127, cadence 92, speed 20.2 mph
Final 30, ave Power 250 (120-608 ), HR ave 128, mx 155, cadence 90 , speed 22.8 mph
Entire ride Power 236 (0-608) Normal power 247 (taking out the zero power segments), HR ave 127, mx 155, cadence 91, speed 21.6 mph
Transition of 6 minutes
Second Run 10 miles 1:09.30, out 5 in 37:00 (7:25 pace) back in 32:30 same course as first run: HR ave 142 (high zone 3), mx 163 (5c)
14% zone 2, 43% zone 3, 36% zone 4, 7% zone 5
*This workout was a little tough. Hammering home the final 5 miles at 6:30 pace made it tough. Hamstring very tight but able to run without too much trouble. I placed a 1 cm spacer to raise my aerobars on sunday, and another 1 cm spacer today before the ride. I think this helps the hamstring. I was very low before (couldnt get any lower as I had no spacers under the stem and my stem reversed at a down angle)
Breakfast: 5 pieces of thin whole wheat french toast, syrup, 16 oz skim
Lunch: Nutrition on ride, Recovery drink after (took recovery 20 minutes after workout, as I was pretty nauseated once I stopped running. Some sips of water took care of it)
Dinner: Thai chicken w/ mushrooms, garlic, rice. Water, diet sierra mist.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Start of 10 day peak period: Run 8.5/Swim 6000
If all goes as planned. The big workouts wont be as big, but a little faster. Shorter quicker runs also. Focus will be on getting adequate rest though. If somewhat tired, I may not changed the intensity of the workouts, but will cut the duration.
Workout summary: am 4 run + 1000 easy swim (27' + 15')/ pm: Swim 5000 (1:17), run 4.5 (30')
6:30 am: 4 miles on TM. First in 7:30, second in 7, third in 6:40 and final mile in 6:15.
Then jumped in pool for a 1000 yd easy cool down in 15 minutes.
Sauna after, 12 min. at 170 degrees
6pm: Swim 5000 continuous. 1:17, each 1000 ave. 15:15-15:40 (around 1:32/100 ave)
Then Run on TM. First mile 7:30, second 6:40, third 6:20, fourth in 6:00. Then 1/2 mile cd at 7:30 pace. Hamstring mildly tight but no worse then its been the past 2 weeks.
Breakfast: 2 vanilla yogurt's and hot caffeine free tea. Late morning 1/2 of starbucks cinnamon roll and a small coffee
Lunch: Some low fat popcorn, cliff protein bar, 1 apple. water.
Late Afternoon: non fat latte
Dinner: Corn tamales with rice and black beans. 1 beer. Before bed, 1.5 cups low fat ice cream.
Workout summary: am 4 run + 1000 easy swim (27' + 15')/ pm: Swim 5000 (1:17), run 4.5 (30')
6:30 am: 4 miles on TM. First in 7:30, second in 7, third in 6:40 and final mile in 6:15.
Then jumped in pool for a 1000 yd easy cool down in 15 minutes.
Sauna after, 12 min. at 170 degrees
6pm: Swim 5000 continuous. 1:17, each 1000 ave. 15:15-15:40 (around 1:32/100 ave)
Then Run on TM. First mile 7:30, second 6:40, third 6:20, fourth in 6:00. Then 1/2 mile cd at 7:30 pace. Hamstring mildly tight but no worse then its been the past 2 weeks.
Breakfast: 2 vanilla yogurt's and hot caffeine free tea. Late morning 1/2 of starbucks cinnamon roll and a small coffee
Lunch: Some low fat popcorn, cliff protein bar, 1 apple. water.
Late Afternoon: non fat latte
Dinner: Corn tamales with rice and black beans. 1 beer. Before bed, 1.5 cups low fat ice cream.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Weekly quote 10/1/06
"The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed."
- Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon champion
For lifelong friend Damon Blackford, overall 6th Akron Marathon and 2nd overall Master 9/30/06.
2:42 at age 41
Day off today: Got a massage after work.
Breakfast: 2 cups rice with bwn sugar, water, small coffee
Lunch: salad with vegies and low fat italian, 2 oz kettle chips, hot tea, diet shasta
Afternoon: Small coffee, 1/2 decaf. Cliff protein bar
Dinner: 8 oz Ahi tuna, roasted red potatoes, 5 lg cocktail shrimp. 16 0z carrot juice. 1 beer
- Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon champion
For lifelong friend Damon Blackford, overall 6th Akron Marathon and 2nd overall Master 9/30/06.
2:42 at age 41
Day off today: Got a massage after work.
Breakfast: 2 cups rice with bwn sugar, water, small coffee
Lunch: salad with vegies and low fat italian, 2 oz kettle chips, hot tea, diet shasta
Afternoon: Small coffee, 1/2 decaf. Cliff protein bar
Dinner: 8 oz Ahi tuna, roasted red potatoes, 5 lg cocktail shrimp. 16 0z carrot juice. 1 beer
Weekly Summary 9/25 - 10/1/06
Total Hours = 25:44
Swim = 7800 yd (3 sessions) Time 2:15
Bike = 286 miles (4 rides) Time 16:52
Run = 51 miles (5 runs) Time 6:39
*Felt pretty good about the week. Needed a couple of days recovery from the hill run repeats, which hurt my friday and saturday plans a bit. However, by monday morning I feel like after resting today I will be ready for a moderately big workout on wed. and 2 good workouts on the coming up weekend. Plan on another 20 miler this coming weekend. Not sure what the running will be on wed, maybe a brick.
Swim = 7800 yd (3 sessions) Time 2:15
Bike = 286 miles (4 rides) Time 16:52
Run = 51 miles (5 runs) Time 6:39
*Felt pretty good about the week. Needed a couple of days recovery from the hill run repeats, which hurt my friday and saturday plans a bit. However, by monday morning I feel like after resting today I will be ready for a moderately big workout on wed. and 2 good workouts on the coming up weekend. Plan on another 20 miler this coming weekend. Not sure what the running will be on wed, maybe a brick.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Run 4.5/Bike 102
Workout Summary: Run 36 min then Bike 102 (5:32, 1300 ascent)
Ran a portion of Portland Marathon course with Ann and Sam. Ann ran 90 minutes before our ride.
Bike 102: Had a few problems initially. Noticed split in rear tire so stopped at REI and bought a new one. About 25 miles from Portland, in Scappoose, I broke a front spoke. By the time we got to the store to stop, wheel was banging against my fork it was so out of line. I got lucky by getting ahold of a guy from a bike shop 10 miles away in St Helen. It took about an hour total, but he actually brought me a front wheel off of one of his used bikes. I gave him my front in exchange. He is coming to Portland tomarrow, so he will bring my wheel back to me at the hospital and I will give him his back. He wanted to charge me 10 bucks for all this, but I will give him 25 for his trouble. He saved our ride because the bike could not go on the way it was.
At 45 miles, did a 60 minute TT on Sauvie Island. The good thing about this was the wind, at which we had against us for more than half, and the constant cadence on the flats. We both needed a nice TT interval thrown in the middle of the ride. Decided only to do 1 X 60' because my legs are tired, and Ann had already run 90' and I didnt want her to push too hard. She still averaged over 20 mph for her TT and said she was comfortable at that pace, not pushing too hard. I told her to hold back because it was a fairly big day for her and I needed her to sustain a good pace for the rest of the ride. We averaged 18.5 for the entire ride. She was able to hold her power in the 140's for the TT which is good for her, esp after running. (AND she ran 20 miles yesterday at 8:05 pace) She is ready. I am just trying to keep her in a glass box for the next 3 weeks and not blow her up.
I was able to hold ave power at 275 for 40 minutes, and 313 for the final 20 minutes, 15 of which was against the wind
TT = 60', Power ave 291, (138-538) ave speed 23.4 mph, cadence ave 97 (77-112), HR ave 129 (high zone 2), max 150 (zone 5)
Final 20 ', Power ave 313, (205-461) ave speed 24.0 mph, cadence 99 (88-109). HR ave 143 (high zone 4) max 150
*Very happy with ride. At 100 mile mark, time was 5:24. We cooled down final 2 miles. My legs were pleasantly fatigued but I could have gone another good hour if needed. I feel pretty good for the end of a moderately big week.
Breakfast: 1 cup oats and 1 english muffin with honey. 2 cups skim milk. 1 med. coffee.
Lunch: ride, had a cinnamon roll at start, and a med. non-fat chai. On ride, took carbs, 35 grams per dose. I have upped to 35 grams every 20 min. for the past few rides. Today, during the 60 min. TT I was a little crampy. I think I am pushing a bit and will back the carbs down to around 32 for the next ride. Recovery drink routine after the ride.
Dinner: Pasta with marinara sauce
Ran a portion of Portland Marathon course with Ann and Sam. Ann ran 90 minutes before our ride.
Bike 102: Had a few problems initially. Noticed split in rear tire so stopped at REI and bought a new one. About 25 miles from Portland, in Scappoose, I broke a front spoke. By the time we got to the store to stop, wheel was banging against my fork it was so out of line. I got lucky by getting ahold of a guy from a bike shop 10 miles away in St Helen. It took about an hour total, but he actually brought me a front wheel off of one of his used bikes. I gave him my front in exchange. He is coming to Portland tomarrow, so he will bring my wheel back to me at the hospital and I will give him his back. He wanted to charge me 10 bucks for all this, but I will give him 25 for his trouble. He saved our ride because the bike could not go on the way it was.
At 45 miles, did a 60 minute TT on Sauvie Island. The good thing about this was the wind, at which we had against us for more than half, and the constant cadence on the flats. We both needed a nice TT interval thrown in the middle of the ride. Decided only to do 1 X 60' because my legs are tired, and Ann had already run 90' and I didnt want her to push too hard. She still averaged over 20 mph for her TT and said she was comfortable at that pace, not pushing too hard. I told her to hold back because it was a fairly big day for her and I needed her to sustain a good pace for the rest of the ride. We averaged 18.5 for the entire ride. She was able to hold her power in the 140's for the TT which is good for her, esp after running. (AND she ran 20 miles yesterday at 8:05 pace) She is ready. I am just trying to keep her in a glass box for the next 3 weeks and not blow her up.
I was able to hold ave power at 275 for 40 minutes, and 313 for the final 20 minutes, 15 of which was against the wind
TT = 60', Power ave 291, (138-538) ave speed 23.4 mph, cadence ave 97 (77-112), HR ave 129 (high zone 2), max 150 (zone 5)
Final 20 ', Power ave 313, (205-461) ave speed 24.0 mph, cadence 99 (88-109). HR ave 143 (high zone 4) max 150
*Very happy with ride. At 100 mile mark, time was 5:24. We cooled down final 2 miles. My legs were pleasantly fatigued but I could have gone another good hour if needed. I feel pretty good for the end of a moderately big week.
Breakfast: 1 cup oats and 1 english muffin with honey. 2 cups skim milk. 1 med. coffee.
Lunch: ride, had a cinnamon roll at start, and a med. non-fat chai. On ride, took carbs, 35 grams per dose. I have upped to 35 grams every 20 min. for the past few rides. Today, during the 60 min. TT I was a little crampy. I think I am pushing a bit and will back the carbs down to around 32 for the next ride. Recovery drink routine after the ride.
Dinner: Pasta with marinara sauce