Sunday, October 01, 2006


Run 4.5/Bike 102

Workout Summary: Run 36 min then Bike 102 (5:32, 1300 ascent)

Ran a portion of Portland Marathon course with Ann and Sam. Ann ran 90 minutes before our ride.
Bike 102: Had a few problems initially. Noticed split in rear tire so stopped at REI and bought a new one. About 25 miles from Portland, in Scappoose, I broke a front spoke. By the time we got to the store to stop, wheel was banging against my fork it was so out of line. I got lucky by getting ahold of a guy from a bike shop 10 miles away in St Helen. It took about an hour total, but he actually brought me a front wheel off of one of his used bikes. I gave him my front in exchange. He is coming to Portland tomarrow, so he will bring my wheel back to me at the hospital and I will give him his back. He wanted to charge me 10 bucks for all this, but I will give him 25 for his trouble. He saved our ride because the bike could not go on the way it was.

At 45 miles, did a 60 minute TT on Sauvie Island. The good thing about this was the wind, at which we had against us for more than half, and the constant cadence on the flats. We both needed a nice TT interval thrown in the middle of the ride. Decided only to do 1 X 60' because my legs are tired, and Ann had already run 90' and I didnt want her to push too hard. She still averaged over 20 mph for her TT and said she was comfortable at that pace, not pushing too hard. I told her to hold back because it was a fairly big day for her and I needed her to sustain a good pace for the rest of the ride. We averaged 18.5 for the entire ride. She was able to hold her power in the 140's for the TT which is good for her, esp after running. (AND she ran 20 miles yesterday at 8:05 pace) She is ready. I am just trying to keep her in a glass box for the next 3 weeks and not blow her up.
I was able to hold ave power at 275 for 40 minutes, and 313 for the final 20 minutes, 15 of which was against the wind
TT = 60', Power ave 291, (138-538) ave speed 23.4 mph, cadence ave 97 (77-112), HR ave 129 (high zone 2), max 150 (zone 5)
Final 20 ', Power ave 313, (205-461) ave speed 24.0 mph, cadence 99 (88-109). HR ave 143 (high zone 4) max 150

*Very happy with ride. At 100 mile mark, time was 5:24. We cooled down final 2 miles. My legs were pleasantly fatigued but I could have gone another good hour if needed. I feel pretty good for the end of a moderately big week.

Breakfast: 1 cup oats and 1 english muffin with honey. 2 cups skim milk. 1 med. coffee.
Lunch: ride, had a cinnamon roll at start, and a med. non-fat chai. On ride, took carbs, 35 grams per dose. I have upped to 35 grams every 20 min. for the past few rides. Today, during the 60 min. TT I was a little crampy. I think I am pushing a bit and will back the carbs down to around 32 for the next ride. Recovery drink routine after the ride.
Dinner: Pasta with marinara sauce

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