Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Nutrition and other plans for Kona 06

This wont change from any of my previous IM or 1/2 IM races
Night before race. Early dinner, around 5 pm. Copious rice and vegies. Snack before bed. Will take a heavy recovery drink before bed (200 grams maltodextrin + 25 g protein)
Morning of: 1 cup oatmeal with bwn sugar around 2.5 hours before start. A banana or something light about 2 hours prior. Caffeine tablet, 100 mg, 90 minutes prior to start. Constantly sip water up to about 30 minutes prior to the start.
Bike Segment:
I will take 2 water bottles on my bike and have 2 more at special needs.
I will mark off the water bottles every 7 ounces. I should have 4 doses of carbs then per water bottle (I use 27 oz water bottles)
I will use 32 grams of M550 Maltodextrin (pure glucose polymer) per dose. This will give me 96 grams per hour of nutrition or about 380 calories per hour
In each full water bottle, I'll put a mix of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Tri-Sodium Phosphate. Total sodium dose will be about 550 mg per water bottle, or about 350 per hour.
I will add 1/4 tsp of lemon flavored nutrasweet for flavor and to increase gastric emptying.
I will start my nutrition 20 minutes into the bike, and continue every 20 minutes for the entire bike segment. Final dose will be about 10 minutes before T2 (hopefully)
I will carry 2 gels in my pocket. I may take 1 during the ride in substitute for a carb dose just to get a little solid if I desire at the time. If I take a gel, it will be expresso type, with caffeine, and I will take with 6 oz water.
Additionally to the nutrition, which only provides 21 oz of water per hour, I will take another 8-12 ounces of water at each aid station. Key: If I havent urinated at least twice before the Hawi turn around, I will double my water intake on the way in and keep drinking until I urinate.
I will carry 3, 6 oz flasks (usually 2 but the special needs at kona is at mile 18, not 13)
Each flask will have a mark at 2 ounces. Each 2 ounces will have 25 grams of M550 Maltodextrin. In each bottle, I will put 1/2 the sodium dose I use per hour for the bike segment.
I will add a little lemon nutrasweet, per flask, about 1/8th teaspoon.
I will take a 25 gram dose every 18-22 minutes throughout the run. Unlike the bike, the carbs will be concentrated 3:1 in each dose to avoid carrying so much weight. Therefore, each dose has to be taken at an aid station so I can drink 4-6 oz water to dilute the carbs.
At mile 18, I will take a 200mg caffeine tablet (I call it a "caffeine rescue")
I will not take any gels but will carry 2, in case I drop a nutrition bottle, or if I dont get my 4th flask at special needs.

Bike segment power/HR
I will not stay in zone 1 like last year. I will try to stay in high zone 1 to low zone 2 for first 60 miles. Will push into high zone 2 final 50, at the most low zone 3 on the inclines. I doubt I will ever go above HR of 130 for any portion of the bike.
More importantly is power. I will try to maintain power around 180-200 watts for an overall average. I will try to keep 230 watts as an absolute cap on the uphills.
Reasonable conditions, I plan on biking 5:20-5:35. Good conditions, 5:10-5:20

Run segment HR/pace
I will keep HR in zone 1 and low zone 2. I will be pretty strict on this. I wont exceed HR of 130 for the first 15 miles no matter what. I am hoping this works out to a pace of 7:20-7:35
I will, as always likely run around 8:30 or so on the uphill at Palini drive (sp?)
If I am feeling ok, ie: not bonking, I will push HR into mid 130's from mile 15-20 and 140's for final 10K, mid 150's final mile. This is all assuming that I am not walking like a drunk by mile 20. No kidding...that can happen.
If I feel like I am starting to bonk, all rules will be thrown out. I will slow down, walk through a couple of transitions, take chicken broth but maintain nutrition at all costs. If I throw up, I still stick to the plan. If I throw up again...I still stick to the plan.

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