Saturday, October 28, 2006


Roth, Germany

The Plan for the upcoming season is:

Big training week Feb 9-18
California 70.0, March 31, 07
Big training week April 28-May 5
Florida 70.3, May 20, 07
Big training week May 25-June 3
Roth, Germany IM, June 24, 07

These will be the three major races for Ann and I
Plan is to race California 70.3 with strong base off a big base week from feb
Second big week will be more balanced with cycling and running, then Florida 70.3 2 weeks after completion.
Plan for Florida is sub 4:30
Final Big week will be a similar template to ours before Kona, balanced big cycling and running.
Finish of the final big week will take us to 3 weeks out. This will allow 1 more 20 mile long runs going into the 10 day peak period and 1 week taper.

Try to get to Bend, OR for at least 4-6 more swim lessons with Bob Bruce. Focus from now until Roth on getting swim down to a sub 64.

I must emphasize. Virtually the entire pre-season will be focused on periodization to get ready for the first big bike week. Then using that strength, building to get ready for the second big week and Florida 70.3
This entire period will then be used to gain fitness for the final month prior to Roth.

I also plan on much more cycling base pre-season. Much depends on the rain, but plan is to bike 3 week cycles building each week to a crescendo of 300+ miles the 3rd week. Then beginning of next cycle (week 1) dropping down to 100 miles. The run weeks will be inversely proportional, so my easiest run week will be 30 miles, during the biggest bike week. While the biggest run week of 60 miles will be during the lower mileage bike week. This may change depending on what info I gather this fall and winter on training strategies.

Why a big week 3-4 weeks out? Well, we did a big week 7 weeks out prior to CDA 06. This was too big on cycling and was too far out from the race I believe. By my blog, we were very strong (all 7 of us training) about 3-4 weeks after this big week. The big week before Kona 06 ended about 5 weeks out. This allowed 1 more cycle of a big week before Kona, which was nice...but, I and Ann felt the strongest of the season around 3 weeks out from Kona, (strictly looking objectively at my times on the run and TT power). I think finishing the big week 3 weeks out, then taking 3 days rest then starting peak period. We will start the peak period with shorter TT and very aggressive run hill repeats the following wed-friday. Then easy long ride saturday (2 weeks out) with some IM pacing during the ride. Then final long run on sunday, 14 days out.
Another change I may make next season is to start mixing peak-type workouts about 4-5 weeks out from the primary race.

G'day Dave,

Nice plan. I'm curious about where you are placing your Big weeks. I originally had mine down for around 7wks out, but KP said that was too far away also. I couldn't really understand his post, But I think he was doing his even closer then 3-4 weeks, not sure though.
Epic camps area a good reference to see where Gordo is placing them in relation to an IM.
I agree totally with your plan on the bike. I think once you start riding at least 2 IM's (360km) PW broken up over 4-5 session you'll be well on your way to a solid bike split.

Hey Paul
My rationale for ending my final big week (run 60, bike 350+, swim 12K)is to have 1 additonal weekend 2 weeks out from Roth to complete my final long run. I will check out the epic camp sites too,as I have read the blog regarding this before.
I dont plan on completely trashing my legs during my big weeks this year. Getting stronger off a degree of breakdown yes, but not totally trashing legs so I need alot of time to recover. My final big week this summer was nearly perfect (except for the 20 mile run on the final day..too much)and I recovered from this week in 4-5 days. My other big week before CDA involved 600+ miles of cycling and 30 running. It took me over 2 weeks to recover and I lost some vital running workouts because of this.
Hello Dave
nice blog just started reading it , my team and myself will be in roth germany this july for the big event , good luck with training.
i have added you to my blog.
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