Saturday, September 02, 2006


Swim 3800/Run 20: The bonk

Workout Summary: Swim 3500m (3800 yd, 1:20), Run 20 (2:49)

9am: masters swim at juniper pool. 600 wu and 500 pull cd.
10 X 50 kick, front, side, and back
200 IM (substitute free for fly on all IM's)3:45
100 pull, 1:30
200 IM
2 X 100 pull/15, 1:35
200 IM
3 X 100 pull/15, 1:35-36
200 IM
4 X 100 pull/15, 1:35-36
200 IM
*arms nice and dead after this one. Could it be the 12,000 of swimming in the past 4 days?
afternoon: Long Run, 20 miles with Ann. 3 miles out to Bingham falls trail. Ran a little more than 14 on trail, out and back. Left hamstring stable, ran easy 8-8:20 pace. Right posterior shin (shin splint) started around 14 miles. Must be from the forefoot running, alot of deep sand on parts of the trail, and rocks. More balance on the forefoot. This stressed my toes and my shins. Ann has multiple blisters on each foot, at the toes. Regardless, she still ran away from me to negative split her final 10. I bonked with 4 to go, struggled to run 8's. Final 1.5 miles around 10 min pace. Very hot, 90 degrees, and dry. I was very undernourished. I lost a full nutrition bottle with 9 miles to go. Ran out of water with 6 miles to go. Still managed to run 1:22.30 out and 1:26.30 back. Recovery drink after, mixed with OJ.
Zone 1 for entire run, high zone 1 for several miles, HR 126 or under.

Breakfast: 1/2 egg beaters omelet with vegies, hashbrowns, 3 med. pancakes. Large OJ and water.
Lunch: Nothing. 1 carb bottle with 3 doses of carbs on run. Recovery drink after.
Dinner: chicken pasta with broth, vegies. bread. more bread. about 8 oz jelly beans before bed. 1 beer, 1 glass red wine with dinner. Bailey's before bed.

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