Sunday, September 10, 2006


Sat 9/9: Aluminum Man Triathlon

Workout Summary: Total bike 51 miles, run 6, swim about 1200 (total time 3:45)

Aluminum Man: The Dalles, OR
*Pretty extreme condition. Wind steady 25 with 40 mph gusts. Swim short about 7-8 minutes probably, but very choppy water, white caps. 4th male out of water. Ann impressive in those conditions. I think what I am doing with her is working. She Biked 19.8 in those conditions with the large hills, then was able to run 6:59 pace in the 10K. She was 3rd overall and if she hadnt urinated for a minute in T1 would have taken 2nd (2nd place only 20 sec. ahead of her). She was 16 overall in bike, 11th in the run, and 12th in the swim. All solid considering her big week last week.

Bike, had the wind assistance for about 10 minutes. The rest were severe cross winds and headwinds. Total ascent 1950 ft, most of which was from 10-20 mile mark. Totally alone on bike. Not one person I could see to catch and no one behind me. Hamstring was good for about 20 miles in aero position, then slowly tightened up to the end of the bike.
Held HR mostly in Zone 3/4, never got into zone 5.

Power ave 255 watts. Hard to hold power under 300 on the hills, spinning 70 cadence and 8 mph. Normally I would likely go around 10, and sure power would have been way too high. Very happy with power numbers. My peak power for 10 minutes was 278. This means my total average over 82 minutes was only 23 watts under my 10 min. peak. This means I am learning to hold a fairly constant power. Ave cadence, 92, speed 22

Run was ok. Against headwind to 5k, then with the wind on the way back. Able to run 6:30 pace out with HR in zone 5 most of time. Tried to pick it up in the turn around to mile 4. Realized I was not going to catch the guy in front of me, so I backed off to around 7 min pace and coasted in. Hamstring tight the whole way, but it has to be improved because I could never run 6:30 pace a couple of weeks ago. When I slowed to 7's, hamstring pain was relieved a bit. I think I could run kona in 7:30 if I can get a few long runs in over the next several weeks.
*I think I need to start riding more in the aero position and enduring the pain a bit more. I think this might help in the long run. The hamstring is tending to feel pretty good the next day after riding if I roll it and stretch it out at night.
Total 22:57

Swim: 16: 24 (7th fastest)
Bike: 1:21.53 (4th fastest, 22.06 ave, 50K distance, 1950 ft ascent))
Run: 41:02 (4th fastest, 6:36 pace)

Overall, felt good about this race,esp with the bike at 31 miles. Very good workout off the big week last week.
After race, ride 1:22., 20 miles easy.

Diet: Race at 9am. 6:45, 1 cup whole oats w/ bwn sugar. Water.
Caffeine tab, 200 mg at 7:45 am.
Race, took 4 doses of maltodextrin on ride and 1 dose at 20 minutes into run.
Recovery drink after race then race day lunch after. Vegi wrap, apple, salad, 7-up
Dinner: Skamania lodge. Trout, potatoes, shared dessert with Ann. 3 beers.

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