Monday, September 11, 2006


Run 18

Monday long run? Day doesnt matter. Yesterday was too early after the race saturday. Needed to get a long run in. May be tired into Grand Columbian 1/2 on saturday, but long run is more important. Hamstring very tight after, but tolerable. Limping a bit final 4 miles but able to hold pace without too much distress. This was the first decent long run I have had since before CDA.

18 (2:14.20, 740 ft ascent), Forest park.
First mile with Ann in 9 minutes. Then 7:25 pace next 6 miles. Slowed to 7:30 pace for next 4 miles. Final 7 miles in 7:15 pace. I was pretty tired (muscular) at mile 11. Managed to push on to 18 though. Legs are not used to the long sustained pace. I think 3 more 18-20 milers before Kona will suffice to set me up for a shot at 7:30 pace and around a 3:16 marathon. If I can manage 7-7:05 pace this saturday for the 1/2 marathon I'll be very happy with that.
Finished final 3 miles in darkness. Ann had 2 left when I finished so I followed her in the car through the NW area so she could finish her 18. She ran well, ave 8's out and around 7:30 entire way back.

HR zone 1 first 6 miles, then crept into zone 2, then zone 3 as I ran 7:15's. HR stayed within zone 2 and low zone 3 however. Happy with that.
Nutrition: Only carried 12 oz (2 flasks). Each had 40 g maltodextrin. Drank 3 oz at 40 minutes, then 22 minute cycles after that to try to sustain. Ran final 4 miles without fluids or nutrition.
Recovery drink: 120 grams maltodextrin + 50 grams protein.

Breakfast: 1.5 cups oatmeal, coffee, water
Lunch: Salad w/ mixed vegies and chicken breast. 1 apple, 2 oz bag pretzels, cliff protein bar. Diet shasta.
Dinner: Didnt get home until 9:30 pm. Bowl of chicken soup and a grilled turkey and swiss, 1 dill pickle. 16 oz carrot juice.

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