Monday, September 25, 2006


Quote and Big Brick

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp, or are you going to be strong today?'"

- Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian 3 time Olympian, former world record holder, 25K

My former coach. I thought about him alot today for some reason. He used to tell us before workouts when we were tired..considering 3 speed sessions and a long run, "come on man, be strong". This quote I found is exactly like him. He had the strongest will of any runner I have ever known.

Workout Summary: Run 20 (2:28, 760 ascent), Bike 92 (5:35, 4200 ascent)

This one hurt a little.
Run 20, out 7:30 pace for most. 1st mile and 12th mile in 8 min pace as they were uphill. Very sluggish legs at 10 mile mark. At 14 I decided to run a 7 min mile to see how I would respond. Tough for me but I maintained 7 min pace for the final 6 miles, despite numb legs the final 2.
I finished in 2:28, legs flat out dead. Felt completely glycogen depleted.

10 min transition and didnt even think about what I had planned or I would have quit. Got on bike for 92. At 36 miles I dropped off Ann who met me for the end of her 80 miler to start me off. I felt very depleted but pushed on to 40. At 40, did a 25 mile TT at 21.8 mph ave. A bit delerious but managed to pull it off. Reached back for my last nutrition bottle of 5 doses and it had fallen off the bike. I still had over 25 miles to go so I knew it wouldn't be easy.
I had one dose left in a bottle I was using so I saved it until about 3 miles from the final 700 ft climb to home. I was bonked out but managed to keep spinning. Finished strong out of saddle for the majority of the final climb, pushing watts over 300 for more than 13 minutes.

TT: 25 miles, 1:08, Power ave 195, max 520: HR ave 126 (zone 2) max 145 (zone 5)
Final climb, 1.8 miles, 13 min: Power ave 304, max 418: HR ave 142 (zone 4) max 148

Ride Data, Zone Summary
Entire ride: 5:35, Power ave 195, max 729, HR ave 114 (top of zone 1), max 148 (zone5)
Zone 1 = 46% (2:35)
Zone 2 = 32% (1:48)
Zone 3 = 14 % (47')
Zone 4 = 6.5% (20')
Zone 5 = 1.5% (5')

Run Data : 20 in 2:28
HR final 6 miles, ave 135 (zone 3) mx 142 (zone 4)
Zone Summary
1 = 22% (33')
2 = 55.5% (1:22)
3 = 16% (23')
4 = 6% (9')
5a= .5% (1')

I have gotten more comfortable running and cycling with the sore hamstring. It was sore at about the 10 mile mark on the run, and sore throughout the ride. I am pretty confident I can race on it without too much problem, esp since I wont be running fast (7:30 goal pace) at Kona.
1 hour before workout: 1 wheat english muffin with honey, small coffee, water.
During run: 5 doses of 25 grams maltodextrin each in 3.5 oz + 12 oz additional water
Bike: 2 bottles of nutrition, each containing 140 grams maltodextrin.
After workout: 110 grams maltodextrin + 30 grams protein + 10 grams glutamine
Dinner: Chinese, alot of rice, chicken cashew, mixed vegies, light oil. Water, diet sierra mist.
Before bed: bowl of left-over rice, about 2 cups, with warm milk and brown sugar. 1 beer.

G'day Dave,

Wow! Thats ceetainly looks like quite a tough day in the office. Keep it up.

How are you feeling coming into Hawaii this time round? Hows the hammy holding up?

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