Sunday, September 03, 2006


Final Day! Bike 116

Bike 115 (4000 ft ascent, 6:45)

First 20 miles climbed 2200 ft to Bachelor pass. Took a couple of hours to get the 12 mph ave. back up to 16-17.
Plan was to do 3 X 30 min surges at the 4 hour mark, with 10 min rest between. Ann told me she was feeling good, so I decided to take away the 10 min rests, and just do straight 90 minutes. Kept power as low as possible while maintaining around 21 mph. Held cadence 70-80 for first 45 minutes, then held cadence at 110, never dropping below 100 for final 45 minutes. This proved to be tough for 30 minutes. The final 15 minutes, I got used to the constant burn.
90 min Interval:
Power ave 170 watts, max 371. HR ave 104/max 121 (zone 2), cadence ave 91, speed 21.2

Feel ok for the end of a big week. Recovered ok from big run yesterday. My new shin splint feels ok. Felt it on bike but I can tell will be better in a couple of days. Hamstring feels stable. Still nagging 1/5 pain.

5 eggwhites, slice of cheddar, vegies. 2 big pancakes, 1 wheat english muffin. Juice.
Lunch: On ride. 10 doses of 30 grams maltodextrin each. Started nutrition at 1 hour. Took 2 gels also. Had a cliff lemon bar at half way mark.
Recovery drink after: the usual
Dinner: Pasta with meat sauce, salad, 2 peanut butter cookies. 1 beer, glass of juice, glass of milk. McMillans stopped over on their way back from a race in southern Oregon. Had dinner together, good to chat for awhile.

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