Sunday, August 06, 2006


MS ride day 2: 76 miles

Workout Summary: Ride 76 miles in 4:40, 3040 ascent

Kept it recovery pace with a couple of 10 minute hard efforts, the first one on a big climb. Rode in 39 ring for most of ride except for a few fun attacks in the 54. Stopped around 40 mile mark for about 15 min and ate the provided lunch. Legs tired in the 54, felt fine in the 39 and stable on the hill efforts. HR not able to get into zone 5 like yesterday, so I am a little tired.
0 = 4% (12')
1 = 88% (4:12)
2 = 3% (9')
3 = 2.5% (7')
4 = 2% (5')
5a= 1% (2')
*Compare percentages to yesterday. The 20 minutes of surges accounted for all of the zone 2-5 heart rates today. The rest was recovery zones 0 and 1.

Breakfast: 3 McDonald's pancakes, syrup no butter. 4 scrambled eggs, large orange juice. Med coffee/cream.
Lunch: On ride, 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 1 banana. Took 1 bottle of nutrition on ride and 3 bottles of water.
Recovery drink after ride, the usual. Then a buffalo burger, banana and an orange at post-ride dinner. small brownie for dessert. 27 oz water bottle full of lemonade.
Dinner: Hood to Coast team meeting. Pizza and beer. Had 3 slices chicken pizza and 1vegie. 5-6 pints of beer and a glass or two of wine. Ice cream bar. Got a little drunk.

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