Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Workout Summary: Run 20'/ Swim 3000 (54')/Run 20'

5:45 am, Easy run 20 min. Will start short easy runs despite hamstring pain. Will keep it easy though.
6 pm: Swim 3000
800 pull wu (1:35/100 pace)
2 sets: 3 X 200/30 then 4X100/25
1 min rest between sets. All 200's first set in 2:53, all 100's 1:23
Second set 200's in 2:53 with one in 2:51 and 100's in 1:24
200 pull cd

then easy run 8 min pace on TM, 20 min. (2.5 miles)
Hamstring stable, a little sore

*After 3 weeks off of running, I know to be completely pain free, I would probably have to wait another month. I hope 3 weeks is enough for some healing because its time to start. I will keep the runs slow and short duration, but frequent. This should allow the hamstring to rest for some time between run. I wont progress unless the pain drops to a 1/5 level. Now is about a 2 or 3/5.

Breakfast: 1 apple, 1 cup oats with bwn sugar, water, coffee
Lunch: Salad w/ mixed vegies, tomato dressing, 6 oz chix breast. 4 oz kettle chips, 8 oz juice., herbal caffeine free tea.
Afternoon: small coffee/cream
Dinner: Papa Murphy's Chicken lite pizza. Plenty of fat I am sure, probably about 15 grams per slice. 4 slices. 1 pint of beer. Some gummi bears for dessert...carbs

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