Wednesday, July 12, 2006

7/12 Wed

Workout Summary: Swim 3400 (56')
am: off
pm: Swim 3400
800 wu in 12:30 (1:35/100 yd pace)
2 X 300/35 both in 4:28
5 X 200/30 fastest in 2:55, slowest in 2:58
6 X 100/25 fastest in 1:22, slowest in 1:24
200 pull cd 3:15
Drank 24 oz water during workout and 24 oz after

*Felt ok today. Happy with times and feeling in the water. The salt water pool at the Hollywood 24 hr fitness is actually ok. Pretty salty, almost like the ocean at Kona. It teaches you to spit out the small amount of water the gets into your mouth instead of swallowing it.

Massage after. Therapist Jesse spent 50 minutes on my right glute, piriformis and hamstring/calf. Still have the focal pain in high hamstring, at the musculotendinous junction.

Breakfast: 3/4 cup whole oats heated, 2 tsp bwn sugar. Medium coffee.
Mid morning: Cliff protein bar
Lunch: Salad with 2 boiled egg whites, low fat dressing, mixed vegies. 16 oz carrot/orange juice. 2 oz bag of kettle chips.
Afternoon: Non-fat green tea chai and 1 apple. Cold diet 7-up later.
Dinner: 2 KFC BBQ chicken sandwiches. 8 oz fat free baked beans. 20 oz fat free frozen yogurt smoothie with berries (tcby) for dessert.

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